Sunday, 31 December 2017

New video by TheRichest on YouTube

Disturbing SECRETS Disney Is Hiding From You
Hidden SECRETS Disneyland Doesn't Want You To Know ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: The Walt Disney Company is one of the biggest companies in the world. They practically own half of the world, especially with their recent acquisition of FOX. And yet, the world seems to be completely okay with that. We typically associate Disney with lots of positivity with their hundreds of movies and theme parks strategically placed all over the world. Who wouldn’t want Mickey Mouse to be in charge and spread the Disney magic to our hearts and minds? But there are also some secrets that Disney is trying their best to keep away from the public. From weird nods in their movies to business practices of the company, there are just some things that are too disturbing. Is it required that the public know these secrets? Well, Disney would prefer to keep it under wraps. Luckily, there are some really observant people who have discovered these secrets through careful research and observation. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

Teens Who Got Ridiculously Rich For Hilarious Reasons | COMPILATION
Famous Kids Who Are Smarter Than You Think ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: It seems that the natural course of life for teenagers is to get their feet wet with their first job, which usually doesn’t pay a lot of money. Then, they take those skills they learned and apply them towards their future, where they would presumably get a better job as they grow older and have more education and life experience. But, there are a lucky few who get to bypass the education and life experience because they managed to earn a fortune before they were old enough to drink alcohol. If you’re thinking that life isn’t fair, then you’re right. What will make life feel even more unfair is how these teenagers got rich in the first place. Some got rich for acting stupid, while others came up with a very simple concept and capitalized on it at the right time. This may seem like an unbalanced reward system since you can make it big for being incredibly irresponsible, or brilliant, but that is just how our society works. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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People With The ODDEST Muscles | COMPILATION
10 People You've NEVER Seen Until Now ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: TheRichest is here to pump you up. As you’ve guessed, today’s topic is muscles – specifically, strange looking muscles. We’ve scoured the planet and collected 10 examples of people who look rather strange and amazing. From massive quads to jaw muscles that are just straight-up freaky, these are 10 people you need to check out. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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Top 5 New Years Resolutions || Internet Hi-Five
New Year's is just around the corner, so if you haven't decided on your resolution, you better get crackin'. We've gathered the top five New Year's Resolutions to give you a little inspiration. Sure, we all want to lose weight/get fit/stay fit, but check out the Hi-Five for all five! SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at

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10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Fall Asleep
20 STRANGE Things You Didn't Know Your Body Could Do ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: We all sleep – some of us better than others. Heading off to bed is a vital activity we all undertake every day. In fact, by the time we pass on, we will have spent an average of one-third of our lives sleeping. Sure, it may seem like a bit of a waste. After all, couldn’t we use all that time to be doing something productive? The answer is quite simply ‘No.’ It turns out that sleep is a vital activity that our body needs. It does far more than simply rest our muscles and bones for the coming day. In fact, a number of functions happen that play a vital role in our health. Of course, there are also other things our body does which aren’t vital – but they can provide clues about how stressed out we are or what we’re worried about. Stick around and find out what your body is doing while you sleep. Who knows, you may just learn a thing or two to make your sleep a little more relaxing. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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Photos That Can't Be Unseen | COMPILATION
20 Photos That Caught People Looking Very Jealous ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: If you can’t get enough of laughing at those unlucky people who were caught staring, you’ll definitely want to check out this follow up to our video about people caught staring. Staring at your cell phone is a pretty commonly accepted behavior for the most part. Sure, it may be considered impolite to do during certain social situations, but it’s mostly an accepted part of our culture. However, one middle-aged man riding the subway just couldn’t seem to keep his eyes to himself, as he stared at not his cellphone, but the phones of those people around him! Now that’s awkward. And it’s not just average, everyday people who’ve been spotted taking a prolonged peek. Even superstar Justin Timberlake can’t walk down the street without being caught staring when he shouldn’t be. While some celebs like Jamie Foxx are known to do the staring, others like Kim Kardashian are more used to being stared at. It seems like everyone from her own husband to an officer of the law are unable to tear their eyes away from her. Going to a sporting match is a great activity, but one that can be quite pricey. Rather than focus on the game they paid to see, we have many instances of people who seem far more focused on the cheerleaders, reporters, and even one of the players. You might think that prolonged staring is limited to humans, but we have a couple of creatures on our list that stare overly long in much the same ways that humans do! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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16 People Asked This Guy To Photoshop Their Pics And Immediately Regretted It When we ask a...

16 People Asked This Guy To Photoshop Their Pics And Immediately Regretted It When we ask a Photoshop master to make a photo really cool, we hardly expect such creative results. We collected 19 photos where James Fridman turned Photoshop trolling into a whole art. Look how ironic he is when editing photos and giving advice to his custom..

When we ask a Photoshop master to make a photo really cool, we hardly expect such creative results. We collected 19 photos where James Fridman turned Photoshop trolling into a whole art. Look how ironic he is when editing photos and giving advice to his customers. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11....

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Graffiti in the forest on the plastic wrap Meet Evgeny Ches,he is a graffiti and contemporary artist...

Graffiti in the forest on the plastic wrap Meet Evgeny Ches,he is a graffiti and contemporary artist from Moscow, Russia. He calls the technique that he uses Cellograffiti, it’s basically painting on the plastic wrap instead of walls or other places. Here are some paintings that he did of the animals i..

Meet Evgeny Ches,he is a graffiti and contemporary artist from Moscow, Russia. He calls the technique that he uses Cellograffiti, it’s basically painting on the plastic wrap instead of walls or other places. Here are some paintings that he did of the animals in the forest, and we hope you’ll lik...

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When you forgot that you have children! 😯

When you forgot that you have children! 😯

When you forgot that you have children! 😯😃

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23 Funny And Strange Photos Without Any Logic In our everyday lives, we rarely see anything truly...

23 Funny And Strange Photos Without Any Logic In our everyday lives, we rarely see anything truly amazing. So when we see something really extraordinary, it leaves a mark in our memory for a long time. We collected 23 of the most interesting and weirdest photos out there and suggests that you take a short..

In our everyday lives, we rarely see anything truly amazing. So when we see something really extraordinary, it leaves a mark in our memory for a long time. We collected 23 of the most interesting and weirdest photos out there and suggests that you take a short break. At the end of the article, you �...

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11 Crazy Coincidences That Really Happened In Life World history counts many events that seem to be...

11 Crazy Coincidences That Really Happened In Life World history counts many events that seem to be light-years ahead of their time. We don’t know if they’re coincidental or not, but they’re surely interesting and attract our attention. We invite you to learn more about historic events and situations that peop..

World history counts many events that seem to be light-years ahead of their time. We don’t know if they’re coincidental or not, but they’re surely interesting and attract our attention. We invite you to learn more about historic events and situations that people still can’t crack. Maybe you�...

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Saturday, 30 December 2017

New video by TheRichest on YouTube

Photos North Korea Doesn't Want The World To See
Photos That Got Photographers BANNED From North Korea ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: No matter how much North Korea tries to keep us from knowing what goes on, some brave photographers manage to get images to us that let us know what life is really like in North Korea. You might have heard about one soldier who risked everything to cross the border into South Korea, and we’ll let you know about the startling military conditions he left behind. Kim Jong-un definitely would not want you to know how his prized military really lives. One of the many things North Korea struggles with is keeping the lights on, and we have proof that it can go out anywhere at any time. North Korea might like to brag about their innovation, but when viewed next to photos of China, you can really tell the difference. It’s no secret that Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il are kind of big deals over there, and as such there are all types of rules about how you can photograph the statues of them. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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Confessions Of North Korean Finally Exposed ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: We all know that life in North Korea doesn’t exactly seem all that great, but there are a number of unique challenges faced by the women that live there. We’ll give you some inside perspective about what it is like to be a woman living under the North Korean regime. Surprisingly, things have relaxed a bit under the regime of their leader Kim Jong-un, and women are now allowed to have cosmetic surgery to appear more attractive and further their careers. Of course, this isn’t so much a leisure cosmetic practice, but more of an unofficial requirement frequently performed by unqualified people in unsanitary conditions. For those that prefer less invasive beauty methods, you might be surprised to know that despite proclaiming to hate South Korea, the beauty products from their greatest enemy are their absolute favorite. In North Korea, women are forced to serve in the military for seven years, but they are subjected to countless atrocities and receive very little actual training. In many cases, they do not even receive the nutrition that they need in order to remain in good health. Serving in the armed forces is just one way that women in North Korea are called upon to serve the regime, and they are forced to do some even more unscrupulous things that may shock you. You may think that women in the United States made a big deal about the love story in the movie Titanic, but for one North Korean woman that story gave her the desire and the courage to defect from North Korea. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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Mysterious Creatures Spotted & Caught On Camera: Part 2
10 BIZARRE Creatures Discovered Inside People's Homes ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: We are living in a world where there are a lot of cameras, satellites, and basically endless information available at the tip of our fingers. And yet, we still don’t have all of the answers. Sure, we think that we might have figured out everything there is to know on our planet Earth. But at the end of the day, there are things that we simply don’t know. One of those things is definitely the animal kingdom. The field of cryptozoology is growing in popularity. It doesn’t mean that we’ll never understand the existence of certain creatures. All it means is that there is still a lot to learn about who and what we coexist with. Luckily, we can catch glimpses of these mystery creatures and try to figure out what they are. Who knows, maybe in the next decade, we won’t need cryptozoology anymore! Until then, we’ll keep showing you all the pictures and videos we can find! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube

Best Videos Compilation December 2017 || JukinVideo
December has come to an end, and you know what that means: Best of the Month! Stick around for some of the coolest, funniest, and down right craziest clips and videos that came in this month, including everything from amazing art skills to adorable animals to crazy kids. Original Links: ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE- SQUAD GOALS- SANTA SCARE- ICE ONE- WHO’S A GOOD BOY- MOTIVATION- WELL RESCUE- SAVAGE- CANDY CRUSHED- NAUGHTY NOT NICE-submitted PEDI-CUTE- SURFS UP- FIGHTIN GRANDMA- ART SKILLS- SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at

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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

15 Extinct Animals That Might Actually Be Alive
20 Animals You're GLAD Are Extinct ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: If you’re an animal lover, it can be heartbreaking to hear that a species has gone extinct-especially because humans are typically to blame. But we have been wrong before, like the case of the ivory billed woodpecker, which was declared extinct not once but twice. Another bird that might still be around is the passenger pigeon; even Theodore Roosevelt claims that he saw a flock of them after they were thought to be long gone. The baiji, also known as the Chinese river dolphin, is a creature that was driven to extinction in modern times, but there may still be some of them out there. You’ve heard of Tasmanian devils, but the Tasmanian tiger was a very unique and distinctive creature that there are still sightings of to this day. The eastern cougar is thought to be long gone, but many people believe that it has simply relocated. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

10 Celebs Who Had Kids Younger Than Kylie Jenner
20 Famous Celebs You'd NEVER Recognize Today ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: When you think about it, it wasn’t all that long ago when we were all encouraged to have kids at a young age. Teens were getting married and pressured to pop out kids as soon as possible. It wasn’t uncommon for those in their late teens to become parents before they were even old enough to vote. Granted, the average lifespan in those days were much younger. But anytime we hear about a young person having kids, our modern society absolutely flips out. Celebrities aren’t immune to this criticism either. If they become parents at a young age, then they receive backlash and the ultimate press coverage. Many will assume that their careers are ruined and they will never work in Hollywood again. Granted, some celebs will willingly walk away while others will take a hiatus so they can focus on parenthood. Either way, being a young celebrity parent is definitely an interesting experience! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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How the Sun looks like on different planets of the Solar System It’s impossible to imagine life on...

How the Sun looks like on different planets of the Solar System It’s impossible to imagine life on our planet without the Sun. We’ve all seen how incredible sunrise and sunset can be — it’s something you just can’t tear your eyes away from. But have you ever tried to imagine what this might look like from the vantage point..

It’s impossible to imagine life on our planet without the Sun. We’ve all seen how incredible sunrise and sunset can be — it’s something you just can’t tear your eyes away from. But have you ever tried to imagine what this might look like from the vantage point of different planets and moon...

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Summertime madness

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5 discoveries that caused the scientific world to ask even more questions Sometimes it seems that...

5 discoveries that caused the scientific world to ask even more questions Sometimes it seems that humanity already knows everything. It is in those very moments when new discoveries are made that turn our world and our views of it upside down. We tell you about some finds that contributed to the understanding of the world’s history ..

Sometimes it seems that humanity already knows everything. It is in those very moments when new discoveries are made that turn our world and our views of it upside down. We tell you about some finds that contributed to the understanding of the world’s history but left scientists with more question...

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Tasty Video

Potato baked in the oven

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10 Psychological Facts That Can Tell a Lot About Us Over the years, scientists have uncovered many...

10 Psychological Facts That Can Tell a Lot About Us Over the years, scientists have uncovered many of the human brain’s mysteries and shortcomings that were securely hidden in our psyche. Today, we invite you on a journey inside your own head to find out what makes your consciousness work. 1. We’re constantly a..

Over the years, scientists have uncovered many of the human brain’s mysteries and shortcomings that were securely hidden in our psyche. Today, we invite you on a journey inside your own head to find out what makes your consciousness work. 1. We’re constantly altering our memories We tend to see ...

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Friday, 29 December 2017

New video by TheRichest on YouTube

10 MOST Embarrassing On Stage Moments
15 On Stage FAILS That Can't Be Unseen ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: We love to see an amazing performance by our favorite celebrities, but sometimes we love having a laugh at their expense as well. We have rounded up 10 of the most embarrassing moments on stage involving some of your favorite celebrities. Katy Perry definitely knows how to put on an incredible performance, but unfortunately she needs some help getting down from her high flying stunts. Someone asleep at the helm meant that she was literally left hanging after one performance. Ripping your pants is embarrassing, but doing so in front of fans at Madison Square Garden is next level awkward, just ask Camila Cabello. You’d think that by now celebrities would have learned not to interrupt each other, but Fergie just couldn’t resist making an awkward plug for her new single during an award show. Liam Payne may know how to sing, but apparently he sometimes has trouble finding the right way to get off the stage. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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Unbelievable Animals That Saved Other Animals
AMAZING CREATURES That Saved People's Lives ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: Sure, every so often a human saves an animal, but since we’re usually the reason they’re in danger in the first place it’s not that impressive. Animals do occasionally save humans, but even more rare is when they save one another. We will tell you 10 unbelievable stories about animals that rescued other animals. There are the elephants that worked together to save one of their babies who had fallen into a pool of water and was struggling to swim. But it’s not always the same species; you’ll also see an orangutan who rescued a bird in front of onlookers at the zoo. Saving a life is sometimes more than just pulling someone out of a dangerous situation; Remy and Emile are a pair of rats that are helping kittens that would otherwise be isolated get adopted and grow up happy and healthy. Humans tried to rescue a pair of whales that seemed intent on beaching themselves, but where they failed, a very special dolphin named Moko succeeded. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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Thursday, 28 December 2017

New video by TheRichest on YouTube

10 BIZARRE Creatures Discovered Inside People's Homes
20 CREEPIEST Creatures Discovered In People's Backyards ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: We’re used to having the odd animal or creature in our home. After all, many of us have cats and dogs as pets. In other cases you may have a hamster or even a snakes a pet. Then there are the unwanted and uninvited critters who manage to get in. We’re thinking of the cockroaches, mosquitos and other pests that may slip past your windows and doors. Of course, bigger, scarier and more bizarre creature have been found in people’s homes across the planet. Some are harmless but incredibly strange while others may not be unusual on their own – but when thousands infest your home, that makes it strange. Grab your net, a can of bug spray and a flashlight because we’re going to go into some homes to flush out some of the more unusual ‘guests’ that people have found. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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SECRETS K-POP Stars Don't Want You To Know ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: You might love seeing your favorite Kpop stars performing on stage, but there is a lot of strange and frankly scary things that go on behind the scenes. We will tell you the truth about some of your favorite Kpop bands, like BTS, Super Junior, and Girls Generation. Most Kpop stars are chosen not for their good looks and singing talent, but because of how easily they can be manipulated into behaving how their managers want them to. As teenagers, many are forced to sign strict and long lasting contracts that make quitting the band not an option without being financially ruined. They’re expected to appear physically flawless, which means insane crash diets and copious amounts of plastic surgery. While you may love Kpop music, it’s startling how little input the stars have on their own performances and albums. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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Wednesday, 27 December 2017

6 Movies That Can Surely Touch Your Heart If you love movies that go straight to your heart, this...

6 Movies That Can Surely Touch Your Heart If you love movies that go straight to your heart, this article is for you. Bright Side collected the best and most moving films that evoke both laughter and tears and restore our faith in humanity. These movies are about the true bonds of brotherhood, the pow..

If you love movies that go straight to your heart, this article is for you. Bright Side collected the best and most moving films that evoke both laughter and tears and restore our faith in humanity. These movies are about the true bonds of brotherhood, the power of friendship, and the most powerful�...

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16 Fantastic Movies That True Intellectuals Will Like Over the years, hundreds of movies have become...

16 Fantastic Movies That True Intellectuals Will Like Over the years, hundreds of movies have become cult hits among that group of film-lovers who value cinema’s exploration of intellectually and philosophically complex subjects. We at Bright Side selected 16 recent movies of this kind. Take a look — perhaps they..

Over the years, hundreds of movies have become cult hits among that group of film-lovers who value cinema’s exploration of intellectually and philosophically complex subjects. We at Bright Side selected 16 recent movies of this kind. Take a look — perhaps they might end up being included in your...

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Why Celebrities Wear Shoes That Are Too Big for Them Many of you have probably paid attention to the...

Why Celebrities Wear Shoes That Are Too Big for Them Many of you have probably paid attention to the fact that some celebrities appear on the red carpet wearing shoes that are at least a size too big. Why? Is this a new fashion trend? Or is there more to it? We have decided to figure this out. In fact, many Holl..

Many of you have probably paid attention to the fact that some celebrities appear on the red carpet wearing shoes that are at least a size too big. Why? Is this a new fashion trend? Or is there more to it? We have decided to figure this out. In fact, many Hollywood stars deliberately choose …

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Baywatch: how the cast looks like 27 years on Baywatch is often cited as being the most popular TV...

Baywatch: how the cast looks like 27 years on Baywatch is often cited as being the most popular TV show of all time, with an audience of more than 1.1 billion people. The story of the day-to-day life of a team of incredibly attractive beach lifeguards brought stellar fame to many of its cast, including Pa..

Baywatch is often cited as being the most popular TV show of all time, with an audience of more than 1.1 billion people. The story of the day-to-day life of a team of incredibly attractive beach lifeguards brought stellar fame to many of its cast, including Pamela Anderson, Yasmine Bleeth, and David...

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Silence of the famous statues: mysteries and secrets hidden within sculptures When asked how he...

Silence of the famous statues: mysteries and secrets hidden within sculptures When asked how he created his statues, Auguste Rodin quoted Michelangelo: ’’Sculpture is easy — you just go down to the skin and stop.’’ That’s probably why a true masterpiece always seems like something divine: you look at it and think that only a genius coul..

When asked how he created his statues, Auguste Rodin quoted Michelangelo: ’’Sculpture is easy — you just go down to the skin and stop.’’ That’s probably why a true masterpiece always seems like something divine: you look at it and think that only a genius could have seen such beauty in a...

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10 People Who Did Dangerous Things To Succeed
20 Dangerous Things Considered NORMAL In The Past ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: Ideally, we want to be able to accept wins and loses the same way; with acceptance and grace. However, there are some people who are so driven to succeed and win in whatever they do. This can mean being willing to cheat, or worse, do dangerous things to reach their successes. Usually, this all means different things to various people. If it’s a competition, some might try to cut corners to try to achieve the skills that they need. This can often lead to desperate attempts to be successful - like doing things to their own body that isn’t natural. There are those who are willing to put themselves through intense social experiments just to successfully send a message to society. At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself...why? Is the risk worth the end result? What if the dangerous attempt wasn’t successful at all? We’re going to meet 10 people who decided to go as far as they could to get their desired result. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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Real Life Hulks You NEVER Want To Mess With: Part 2
10 People Who Could CRUSH THOR ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: You definitely wouldn’t like any of these guys when they get angry! No, they weren’t bombarded by gamma-rays in a scientific experiment. And no, they don’t turn into massive green monsters as their rage level grows. Yet, we think you’ll agree that the following individuals could all be considered stand-ins if the real Incredible Hulk needed to take a sick day. In fact, superpowers or not, it would take a very brave person to square off against one of these giants. From the Strongman competitions to the Octagon to Instagram, we’ve scoured the world to assemble an army of real-life Hulks who are physically massive and have strength to match. Thankfully, from what we can gather, they are all fairly decent people who use their powers for good – and not evil. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Tasty :D :D

Tasty :D :D

❤️❤️ Lily and Lunz

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Merry Christmas 🎅😊

Merry Christmas 🎅😊

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Cat excavator :D

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I fixed it! 😃🚦

I fixed it! 😃🚦

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Animals Hugging Humans

If you own a pet, I’m sure you love to hug it. A lot. But did you know there are animals that get the same satisfaction out of hugging us, humans? What did we ever […]

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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

10 Famous Kids Who Are Smarter Than You Think
15 Famous Kids Who Are Richer Than You Think ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: We have all seen kids starring in feature films, television shows, and even Broadway plays, but few of us stop to wonder what their life is like behind the scenes. A career in Hollywood can make maintaining an education difficult, but that isn’t enough for these kids to give up. We will introduce you to some of the most intelligent kids around that also happen to be famous. Finn Wolfhard plays Mike in Stranger Things, and shows a remarkable maturity behind the scenes. Gaten Matarazzo has a condition which caused many people to turn him down for roles, until it was written into his Stranger Things character and he became an advocate for others overnight. Madison Hu and Olivia Rodrigo are a couple of Disney stars who love being able to portray intelligent, multi-faceted female characters on screen, and are just as incredible in their real lives. When most kids were earning an allowance, entrepreneur Rachel Zietz was starting a business that would some day be worth millions of dollars before she even graduated from high school! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

Backstories Behind DARING ATTEMPTS To Escape North Korea
SECRETS Kim Jong-Un Doesn't Want You To Know ***COPY PASTE THIS TEXT INTO YOUR VIDEO***: "10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY THE RICHEST CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE" For copyright matters please contact us at: Life in North Korea is strange and mysterious to us outsiders, but we do have an idea of how truly horrible it can be. Needless to say, Kim Jong-un isn’t crazy about people leaving his regime, but some people are willing to risk it all for a chance at freedom. Charging over the border into South Korea isn’t an option for most people, and with good reason, so how do they manage to get to safety? Getting into China isn’t enough, and many find themselves traveling through Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand before finally making it to safety. You might be surprised to know that some people, like Charles Ryu, have gotten caught and brought back before finally succeeding in reaching the United States. Joseph Kim found freedom as well, but wonders what happened to his mother and sister who tried to escape to China years before he did. While some hide from North Korea in fear, other activists like Yeonmi Park and Hyeonseo Lee speak out about North Korea and hope to rescue more of their fellow citizens. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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Deer Goes Grocery Shopping

Animals are taking over!! A deer has been spotted bargain hunting in a grocery store! Imagine what would happen if we had to share our beloved groceries with every other animal on the planet…

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Monday, 25 December 2017

What If Cats Could Buy And Sell Real Estate

Who would’ve thought cats would clog the housing market even more? Because, obviously, Cat Law states that cats can legally sell his or her “designated spots”.

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The New Amazing Fairy-Tales Of Kamchatka By​ Marina Fandeeva It’s a series of illustrated...

The New Amazing Fairy-Tales Of Kamchatka By​ Marina Fandeeva It’s a series of illustrated stories, based on myths and legends of the people of the North. Today many traditions and rituals described in fairy tales may seem too cruel. But we want to actually read these stories to our children. So we adapted them in ..

It’s a series of illustrated stories, based on myths and legends of the people of the North. Today many traditions and rituals described in fairy tales may seem too cruel. But we want to actually read these stories to our children. So we adapted them in accordance with moral norms of modern societ...

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Woman Paid $600 For Meal At California’s Most Expensive Restaurant, And Here’s What She Got Have you...

Woman Paid $600 For Meal At California’s Most Expensive Restaurant, And Here’s What She Got Have you ever wondered what it’s like to treat yourself to a $600 meal at one of the world’s best restaurants? While clearly no substitute for the real thing (the crucial senses of taste and smell cannot be replicated over the internet… yet), Imgur user Hoptai..

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to treat yourself to a $600 meal at one of the world’s best restaurants? While clearly no substitute for the real thing (the crucial senses of taste and smell cannot be replicated over the internet… yet), Imgur user Hoptail has allowed us to eat vicariousl...

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12 cool design ideas that can help you to make the most of your space For all of us, home is much...

12 cool design ideas that can help you to make the most of your space For all of us, home is much more than just a building. It is where we feel secure and loved. But sometimes, if not properly designed, it can be stifling and even depressing. At such moments, you feel a strong desire to change something in your living space, to..

For all of us, home is much more than just a building. It is where we feel secure and loved. But sometimes, if not properly designed, it can be stifling and even depressing. At such moments, you feel a strong desire to change something in your living space, to make it look more spacious and …

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Photos proving that being parents is difficult but very funny Life with little kids is an eternal...

Photos proving that being parents is difficult but very funny Life with little kids is an eternal adventure. Especially when taking care of the child is entrusted to the father. This is when family albums will get many new photos that will cheer everyone up and make people laugh their heads off. We collected photos of yo..

Life with little kids is an eternal adventure. Especially when taking care of the child is entrusted to the father. This is when family albums will get many new photos that will cheer everyone up and make people laugh their heads off. We collected photos of young fathers’ lives that will make you ...

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Grandmother Rambo! 😮😄

Grandmother Rambo! 😮😄

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