Thursday 9 August 2018

New video by TheRichest on YouTube

This Is Why Music Makes You Want To Dance (In My Feelings Challenge)
Why does music make us feel happy or sad? If you like rap songs or country music, The Richest will explain why we feel like dancing when a jam comes on. Subscribe for more amazing videos! ► ◄ Music is as much a part of human nature as eating, sleeping, and breathing. Sure, we all like different genres and have favorite bands, but any type of music can usually elicit a reaction from the listener. But what is it that makes us dance to the beat and groove with others on the dance floor? Also, the appreciation of music isn’t just for people with perfect hearing. The deaf can develop their own ways of processing and enjoying sound, whether it be through the varying vibrations of multiple notes or other means. Beethoven himself produced passionate classical pieces through his unique talents while struggling with his own hearing complications. Even some animals can have fascinating responses to man-made musical sounds. Both humans and animals can react to various stimuli in interesting ways. So listen up as TheRichest conducts this symphony of information for your listening pleasure. For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:

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