Thursday, 31 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Ever encounter cute animals in the wild and think they could be harmless? Well, If you EVER see one of these 10 creatures, it might be too late to escape. It's almost impossible to stop yourself from walking over and stroking a cute puppy or an adorable kitten if you see one in public. And usually when we're stroking pets, the worst that can happen is a scratch or a small bite. Not enjoyable by anyone's standards, but a relatively minor injury. But what happens when you come across equally cute and stroke-able creatures in the wild? These ones might look friendly and welcoming from the outside but inside it's a whole other story. It might just be that they're not used to humans, or you might have accidentally scared it without thinking. Either way, the creatures we'll be showing you today are ones you should definitely stick to admiring from a distance. Because getting too close could easily be a recipe for disaster. These animals we’re looking at can be found all over the world - so don't think you're safe from being overcome with cuteness if you're based somewhere remote. No matter whether you're in North America, Europe, or a distant part of the world, deep in the jungle, there's a small chance you'll find yourself face to face with at least one of these animals at some point in your life. And when we say they're dangerous, what exactly do we mean? Well, these animals have the potential to cause a lot of harm and they're not afraid to show it. Keep an eye out for suspiciously long teeth, sharp claws that you just know could hurt a lot, and any number of more subtle but still dangerous qualities. Curious about other amazing and mysterious things happening all over our world? Subscribe to TheRichest so you keep learning! ► ◄ You can also check out other similar Videos! Like: - Mysterious Islands You Should Never Visit! OR - Mysterious Forests You Should Never Visit! For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Wednesday, 30 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Maisie Williams is one of the most gifted actresses in the world. Over the eight season run of Game of Thrones, she has grown from a precocious preteen to a mature actor with enormous range. It also doesn’t hurt her acclaim that she gets to play one of the most courageous characters on the show, which, considering that Game of Thrones is populated by knights, queens, bounty hunters, and dragon tamers, is saying a lot. Maisie is a lot like Arya Stark in the sense that she’s strong, independent, and is quite secretive, especially when compared to other similar-aged celebrities. She doesn’t flaunt her wealth like so many young rich people do. Instead, she presents to her fans a relatively normal life that, without knowing her position on one of the most talked about shows on the planet, does not seem to belong to a multimillionaire. This doesn’t mean that she refrains from spending her money on expensive things, just that she’s very selective on what those things are. But selectivity is a good thing. Selectivity means taste, and Maisie has loads of it. As you’ll see in this video, Maisie has invested her money in some very cool ventures, including charities, app companies, and private jets. But her most admirable spending habit is that which benefits her family and pets. It’s clear when one reads interviews with Maisie or follows her social media accounts that she’s very generous towards her family. This includes her mother, three siblings, and rescue dog Sonny. Since her mother raised Maisie and her siblings by herself, she didn’t have things easy, so Maisie made sure to change her mother’s fortune as soon as she made it big. This allowed mother Hilary to quit her job and become a permanent assistant to her daughter. To us, this is the coolest one of Maisie`s purchases...although her tattoos come close. Click play to see all these purchases and much more! Interested in other Amazing facts about our World, Mysteries and the life of the Richest? Then, Subscribe to our channel so you can keep watching more videos! ► ◄ Maybe you're also Interested in how another Famous person spends his Millions? Check out How Kylie Jenner Spends Her Millions! For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Tuesday, 29 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Tom DeLonge’s life has followed many paths. Most notably as the frontman of American pop-punk band ‘Blink 182’. He’s also an author, TV writer, director, and entrepreneur. However, after DeLonge met with an executive from Area 51, he founded a number of companies and websites and is now the head of a company dedicated to cracking UFO mysteries and inventing technologies from science fiction. Nowadays, he’s putting together a crack team of former government officials and conspiracy theorists to create a company whose overall goal is a bit foggy. Curious about other amazing and mysterious things happening all over our world? Subscribe to TheRichest to find out more! ► ◄ You can also check out other The Richest Mysteries videos like: The Strange Life Of The Area 51 Employee Bob Lazar or The Real hidden Secrets We Found Deep Within Antarctica ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
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Monday, 28 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
What are the best Gyms? New year, new you? It’s a common mantra for many people at this time of year and one of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to tone up or lose weight. Whether you’d like to build some impressive muscles or achieve that seemingly impossible flat stomach, most people would like to see some kind of physical improvement in 2019. And if you’ve got money to spend, why not consider one of these gyms? The most luxurious in the world, they come fit for a king with more classes and facilities than you could ever really make use of. With price tags reaching thousands and thousands of dollars, it seems the sky is the limit when it comes to launching a workout zone that the rich and famous want to spend their days sweating in. So no matter whether you're after a specialized personal trainer to get you into the best shape or you'd rather make the most of unique technology to achieve the same results, there's a gym out there that's been designed with you in mind. But these gyms offer plenty more than just workout equipment. Some of them include bespoke training plans, a guarantee to see improvements, and some very oddly named treatments to follow. Almost all of them are set in beautiful buildings designed by prestigious architects and many have extra features like rooftop terraces to relax on after a heavy workout. However, it's important to remember that these gyms come with more than a financial cost. Some of them require a promise to workout a set number of times a week and others will only allow a set number of memberships at any one time. So if you're in the market for a fancy new gym membership this year, keep some of these in mind. Interested in other Amazing and Interesting things about our World? Then, Subscribe to TheRichest so you can come watch more videos! For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Sunday, 27 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Split personalities is a rather complex psychological disorder that even doctors still struggle to understand. For well over a century, there have been well-documented cases of people who suffered from split personalities, scientifically known as dissociative identity disorder and some cases have even inspired famous movies. Thousands of years ago, people saw this condition and thought there was something supernatural going on, which might be why we have the belief of demonic or spiritual possession today. A lot of medical conditions back in ancient times were also often explained by religious beliefs. Today, we know more about the world around us and how it works, including the mind. Unfortunately, we can’t fully assess the biological makeup of a brain with split personalities until after the person has passed away, since we can’t explore their brain without harming their life. What is truly interesting about split personalities is that the person will often not remember certain events that may have occurred with the other personality was dominating. Court cases have remained unsolved, called a mistrial, or the defendant found “not guilty” by reason of insanity multiple times because of split personalities. It just seems to be a thing that happens now. It might take a while for the person to recognize that they have a problem. This is a phenomenon that has inspired countless works of fiction, including the 2016 movie, “Split,” starring James McAvoy. The actor plays a character with 23 different personalities. If you think that’s excessive, there’s one case in the world of a woman who had over 90 different personalities! There’s a reason this topic continues to stay relevant, and it’s because we still have so much to learn. If we’ve grabbed your attention, then check out this video! We’re going to be going over several famous cases of split personalities that will make you question everything and everyone you know. Interested in Amazing Stories about our World? Then, subscribe for more amazing videos! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Saturday, 26 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
PewDiePie or Felix Kjellberg is considered by many to be the most successful YouTuber in history. And in an age where people spend much more time watching YouTube videos than TV, this is a huge accomplishment. Most millennials and Gen-Zers know PewDiePie better than famous figures of mainstream media, and Pewd’s bank account reflects that. PewDiePie has earned several million dollars a year for seven years, which culminated in a $15.5 million paycheck in 2018. What does PewDiePie buy with his money? You might be surprised. Before the video gets into the weird stuff, we’ll mention the more conventional purchases. These include all of his recording and editing equipment. PewDiePie’s setup - which includes three monitors, two cameras, a custom computer, and famous gaming chair - costs tens of thousands of dollars to replicate. PewDiePie also spends a lot of money on business ventures like video games, books, merchandise, and his now-defunct video production network. He’s also deeply involved with charities. As this video will show, PewDiePie has raised millions of dollars for non-profit organizations like Save the Children and RED. He even partnered with Ellen DeGeneres to raise money for charity. Though this all may seem pretty plain, PewDiePie also spends money on tattoos, figurines, exotic cuisine, and many other weird things that you would expect millionaire celebrities to buy. But there’s something unusual about the way that PewDiePie flashes his money that we don’t want to spoil here. It’s not something that any other rich YouTubers do, and they’re probably quite unsettled by Pewd’s behavior. There’s a certain standard that celebrities are supposed to abide by, and PewDiePie subverts this with careless abandon. Knowing this may forever change your perspective of the controversial content creator. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Interested In other Amazing Facts about our World? Then, Subscribe to TheRichest for more videos! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube
They're here! The very best videos of the week! From heartwarming moments to hilarious fails and cute pets, we have it all in Jukin Video's Best of the Week compilation! SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Friday, 25 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Art is one of the cornerstones of human society. You can tell what was happening in a society during specific times in history, how people felt, what they saw, and more. What do you consider to be art? For centuries, this very argument has been at the centerpoint of the ancient and modern art world. When does a piece go from looking like a finger-painting to becoming one of the most iconic pieces to hit society? Many will say that it’s all in the eye; a trained eye that’s required to identify art and “dub” it as so. It seems that once a person decides that a piece is indeed art and not just a random sketch or paint splatter, then the rest of the world will follow suit with similar opinions. Once this happens, then the art will continue to raise in value. If it’s an original piece that gets featured in all of the textbooks and other promotional materials, it will just increase the art’s value once more. There’s a joke that says once an artist has passed, the art becomes priceless. And this world is truly unpredictable. Vincent Van Gogh is the perfect example. He had no idea just how famous his paintings would become once he was no longer of this world. Today, there are modern pieces that have quickly risen in value due to a plethora of factors. This can happen if the piece makes a political statement, destroys itself as soon as its bought, and so many other reasons. Modern art has a lot of competition with the rich history of the culture. This has forced different artists to try new ideas in order to make their stamp onto the world. For example, Jeff Koons’ “Balloon Dog” sold for tens of millions of dollars, even more than your most historical and famous art pieces. For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Thursday, 24 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
We know the government has secrets. For the safety of national security, there are facts about our reality that the government cannot let people from other countries, or even its citizens, know about. At least that’s the government’s excuse. While much of that reasoning is valid, investigations into the U.S. government have revealed widespread corruption and human rights violations against not only people from other countries, but its own citizens. So the concealment perpetuated by the government is not as righteous that they would have you think, as much of it is arranged for the sake of the people not discovering the immorality among their rulers. Or maybe - just maybe - all the concealment revolves around aliens. Since at least the 1940s many Americans have believed that the government has been covering up the existence of aliens. This is due to the background behind some of the places in this video. Area 51 is considered by many to be the final resting place of crash-landed UFOs and aliens. Since this military base is used for the testing of weapons and aircrafts, it’s believed that Area 51 researchers study the unique technology from extraterrestrial ships and apply it to American aircrafts. Dulce Base is another supposedly supernatural military outpost that we included in this video. Though its existence is mere speculation, the base is thought to be buried deep underground the New Mexico desert and is run in joint partnership between humans and aliens. Of course, not all of the government’s secret locations are thought to harbor aliens. Some, like the Cheyenne Mountain Complex and the Dugway Proving Ground, have very clear purposes, and it makes sense as to why these places would be heavily guarded. However, this fact doesn’t stop people speculating on all the crazy conspiracies the government is orchestrating within these buildings. Even Google Maps seems to be complicit in the conspiratorial cover-up. Interested in more Amazing stories about our World and its Mysteries? Then, Subscribe to TheRichest to keep watching more videos! ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Wednesday, 23 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Antarctica...Ice, glaciers, snow, polar bears, mountains, dangerous wilderness-the list goes on and on when we’re talking about the most southern continent in the world. But we’re not talking about sweet tea and magnolia trees. Antarctica is one of the most isolated and remote areas in the world. It comes across as a frozen wasteland, incapable of hosting human life. But firstly, people come to Antarctica all the time for research. There are even compounds for people to temporarily live there. But would you go there to settle down with a family? Probably not. Given its incapability of hosting any life besides the polar creatures that have adapted to the area, we only have ice to look at. In reality, there is so much more than what meets the eye. For one, there have been really crazy sounds coming from the ice sheets of the southern continent that make us believe that there could be ghosts in the area. Not only that, but there are also secret bases and bunkers originating from World War II. Why would Hitler have an interest in that? Between that and the crazy craters that continue to get discovered, it seems there’s a lot more action in Antarctica than we ever thought possible. While some people think the area may have been host to alien life, a lot of those theories have been quickly debunked with simple research and logic. But, there are still plenty of secrets about the continent that can be found. If anything, even debunking these theories proves just how amazing the area can truly be. Hang out with us and check out some of the coolest things about Antarctica that may inspire you to take a trip to this isolated continent. You’ll definitely need to pack your warm winter clothes for this one! Interested in other Amazing and Mysterious stories about the World? Then, Subscribe to TheRichest for more videos! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Tuesday, 22 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Kylie Jenner has achieved more in her time than many adults will manage in their entire lifespan. By the age of 10, she'd become a regularly spotted star on her family's reality TV program - Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Now, she's starred in her own spin off TV show, she's launched her own successful business and she's built up an impressive social media following. And, as a result of this, she's not shy with her money and has dabbled in real estate, luxury cars, and more clothes and purses than she could ever possibly make use of. Kylie has expensive taste and she's not afraid to show it. And if you needed any proof of that, just keep an eye out in our video for any number of designer brands that Kylie's buying up like there's no tomorrow. Because it's true - in only a matter of years, Kylie has built an empire for herself like no other. Forbes currently values her company at around $800 million, which means that in only a few more years, Kylie Jenner could take over the makeup world once and for all. Add in the millions that she's made from other TV appearances, endorsements on her social media channels, and extra work she's dabbled in, and you'll start to realize that Kylie has more dollars than she could ever realistically spend. But that doesn't mean she's not trying to spend it, and she's certainly giving it a good go. This woman knows how to flash the cash and it would be almost impossible to calculate the thousands, if not millions, that this celebrity has spent on clothes, accessories, and her other lifestyle habits over the years. But we'll give it a good go anyway. Interested in more Amazing Facts about our world? Then, Subscribe for more videos! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Monday, 21 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Most, if not all, celebrities have had to work hard to achieve their dreams. Whether that's attending audition after audition, spending hours singing in the shower to perfect a song, or working out for hours in the gym to keep their body in top shape, these people have dedicated their lives to getting to the top. But you might have assumed that this was only possible with the love and support of a rich family. There's a chance that, if you come from a poorer background, you've convinced yourself that you'll never reach this level of fame because of a less fortunate background. But today, we're here with some positive news: it's more than possible to escape a poor background and still go on to become an internationally recognized superstar. And these 10 celebrities are proof of just that. Because if there's a group of people who've overcome some huge difficulties and have still come out on top, it's these ones. Escaping things like extreme poverty, childhood troubles, and mental and physical problems, these celebrities have used their determination to succeed once and for all. Nowadays, all of these people can sit back in their luxury houses, eating expensive foods, and driving sleek vehicles. They've got the funds to change their family and friends' lives for good, even though they might not have thought it was ever possible. One celebrity on our list was so poor as a child that she used to wear potato sacks for clothes. Now, she's one of the richest women in the world and is one of our favorite household names. She's certainly an inspiration to all of us. So no matter what's holding you back in life, watch this video and you'll find yourself motivated to go out there and achieve all of your dreams! Interested in other Amazing stories about our world? Then, Subscribe to the channel for more Videos! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Sunday, 20 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Donald Trump is so much more than just the President of the United States. We all knew who he was before he won the 2016 presidential election. You knew that he was rich and you definitely had heard his "You’re fired!" catchphrase before. Just in case you didn't pay attention to the title of this video, Trump is a billionaire. In fact, in October 2018, Forbes estimated his net worth to be roughly $3.1 billion. That net worth made him the 259th richest person in America at the time! But do you know anything about how he amassed his wealth? While Trump sometimes makes it sound like he's a self-made entrepreneur, he had a lot of help from his family. His father's company made him a millionaire by the time he was just eight years old. It's not every day that an eight-year-old has $1 million in the bank! But Trump's wealth goes back further than his father. The American dream life that he's living today is all thanks to his grandfather, who immigrated to New York City with no money in his pocket at the age of sixteen. In just three generations, the Trump name became known in households all over. And whether that's due to Donald's stint as a host on "The Apprentice" or to the Trump-branded buildings found all over the world, you can't deny that he's a good businessman. That's why a lot of people voted for him for President. However, even though he's highly successful, that doesn't mean that he didn't have any setbacks on his way up the financial ladder. But now that he's a billionaire baller, Trump can spend his money in any which way he pleases. Check out this video to see how much Trump spent on golf carts in the year 2017. Spoiler alert: it was way more than what you probably make in a year! Interested in other Amazing facts and Mysteries about our World? Then, Subscribe to our channel so you can keep watching more videos! ► ◄ Maybe you're also Interested in how another Famous person spends his Millions? Check out How Tyler "NINJA" Blevins Spends His Millions after you're done with this video! ► For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Saturday, 19 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Tyler "Ninja" Blevins is a 27 year-old from Illinois that's managed to go from having a successful eSports career to having an even more successful streaming career earning him approximately 1 million dollars PER MONTH! After becoming a professional gamer back in 2009, it took a few years before Ninja won his first-ever professional gaming tournament. But he was still managing to make about $100 a day streaming on Twitch back when he didn't have any gaming clout. While he is widely known for his skill in the game Fortnite, Ninja actually started off by playing Halo professionally. But thank god he made the switch because Fortnite is what put Tyler on the international map. He was the first Fortnite Twitch streamer to reach five million followers on the website and was also the first to have 250,000 subscribers. However, as you'll soon find out in this video, just because he reached 250,000 subs, it doesn't mean that he was able to keep them all. Either way, Ninja's wife-slash-manager confirmed that Ninja made $10 million in 2018 alone from streaming on Twitch and reposting those streams to YouTube—and that $10 million only accounts for 70% of his 2018 income. Clearly, Ninja is doing something right with his streams and he's become a multi-millionaire because of it. He was even the first gamer to ever be on the cover of ESPN magazine, proving that gaming is gaining more and more traction as a "real sport." And why shouldn't it be considered a real sport? Ninja dedicates twelve hours a day to his streams and hardly ever takes a break from it. He even sacrifices his sleep for the sake of his streaming career. Thankfully, he loves what he does and can't imagine doing anything else. Curious to know what exactly he spends his millions on? Check out this video to find out! Interested in other Amazing facts about our World, Mysteries and the life of the Richest? Then, Subscribe to our channel so you can keep watching more videos! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube
They're here! The very best videos of the week! From heartwarming moments to hilarious fails and cute pets, we have it all in Jukin Video's Best of the Week compilation! SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Friday, 18 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Bob Lazar is a man that can captivate you, he’s claimed to have worked in government labs, Area 51 and reverse engineer alien technology. Not to mention that he came public with it all and has supposedly suffered great consequences as a result. However, not everything he’s said hasn’t come to life. Interested in other Mysterious and Amazing facts about our World? Then, Subscribe to TheRichest to watch more videos! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
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Thursday, 17 January 2019
Hoverboards Are Harder Than They Look
Hoverboards Are Hard To Learn You have to see this hilarious video of a guy trying out a hoverboard for the first time and realizing that it really is not as easy as it looks. This homemade video is priceless. We get to see how a group of friends are hanging out and drinking some […]
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Octopus Hides Among the Plants
Octopus Hides Among Plants We have an interesting video from the ocean today. This cool video was recorded by a diver who somehow managed to see an octopus hide and camouflage among some underwater plants. The video shows how the diver tries to communicate to the camera that there is an octopus over here. He […]
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New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Whether you’re into sports, fashion, or history, we all like going to events. While we might not like the same events, we enjoy the company of people who do, which means that there’s something out there for everyone. However, it might be beyond your price range. If you want to attend normal events like a concert or a basketball game or a comedy show, it would be unlikely that you’d have to spend more than $200, but if you want to attend a spaceflight, dinner with a celebrity, a concert inside a glacier, or the several other highly sought-after events in this video, you could be paying as much as $35 million. Yes, many of the most desirable events on planet Earth can only be attended by the megarich. These include high profile events like the Super Bowl, the tickets of which sold for an average of over $5,000 in 2018, and the NBA finals, where courtside seats can cost a person as much as $76,000. There’s also The Masters, for which people are willing to pay over $100,000 for a ticket that’s already expired! But some niche events can cost much more than even these, like the Secret Solstice music festival in Reykjavík, Iceland, which can be attended only after purchasing a $1 million ticket (wait till you see what’s included in this price). Even TED Talks can cost a person as much as $250,000. But by far the biggest upcoming event is the SpaceX launch of the first Mars colonizers, which is slated for the year 2024. Can you guess what a ticket on this flight will cost? Watch this video to see the price for this spaceflight, and many others, as we take a look at the most expensive events you could ever experience. Interested in other Amazing and Entertaining Facts about your World? Then, Subscribe to TheRichest for more videos! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Meerkat Nap
Meerkat Nap This is a must watch cute video of a meerkat taking a nice nap on top of a cat. It’s a very cute site you most likely have never had the luck to witness. This is very likely a first for all of us. First of all, it’s not everyday you see a […]
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Bulldog Puppy Really Enjoys Swing at Playground
Bulldog Puppy Enjoys Swing We got another must watch cute video. This time the video is about an adorable bulldog puppy on a swing at a park! The little guy is just too cute just sitting on the swing chilling enjoying the playground swing. The video starts and ends with the camera pointing at the […]
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Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Surprise Photo Finish for Photographer
Surprise Photo for Photographer Today we have a pretty crazy video for everyone. In this video we get to see how a drag race photographer accidentally captures an accident with his camera. The video begins on the side of a drag race track. The photographer behind the camera seems to be there to try and […]
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New video by TheRichest on YouTube
If you speak Spanish or English, you probably have heard of the Latin trap wonder that is Bad Bunny. Also known as “el Conejo Malo,” this Puerto Rican-born star is taking the world by a storm with his lovelorn rap lyrics spanning multiple genres. Some have called him the next big thing in trap music and others have gone as far as to say he's paving the way like no other Latin artist has ever done before. Either way, he's making moves in the industry and he's showing no sign of slowing down. But while you might have heard his tracks on SoundCloud or YouTube, you might not have heard them on the radio before. In fact, we'd probably go as far as to say you've never heard the majority of them on the radio. And there's a very good reason for that - but you'll have to watch the video to find out why. But it appears that Bad Bunny didn't need the airwaves to launch his sound because his voice has been heard by billions of people regardless. However, while you'll hear his tunes and listen to his collaborations with other artists, you might struggle to find out much more about this trap artist’s personal life. Unlike many celebrities, he likes to keep his private life to himself, so you won't see him releasing diss tracks or ranting on his Instagram stories. In fact, it's difficult to find out much about Bad Bunny other than what he wants you to know. So from rumors of an ex-girlfriend, to his musical influences and how he started his career in the music industry, here are 20 Things You Didn't Know About Bad Bunny. Interested in other amazing people and fascinating facts about our world? Then, Subscribe for more videos! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Tuesday, 15 January 2019
Students Who Pass These Certification Tests Can Make Over $100k Per Year
The average salary for Cisco Certified Network Professional is $109,000 in the United States Interested in making $109k per year? Then take a look at the complete overview of Cisco 300-101 certification exam: The Cisco 300-101 certification exam is an essential evaluation test of one’s expertise in the implementation of Cisco IP Routing. The exam leading […]
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If you could design your house any way you wanted, which features would you include? Maybe you’d just like a luxury property, filled to the brim with gold-plated appliances and comfy yet stylish sofas. It could have a top of the range kitchen and a jacuzzi bath for relaxing back in after a hard day at work. Or perhaps you’d want something a bit different: something that would make your house stand out from the rest and that your neighbors would gossip about enviously. If so, you’ll probably find some inspiration from this video today. Some of these houses might look unassuming from the outside but just wait until you’ve been invited through the front door and you’ll be amazed at what’s hiding away. These people have gone above and beyond with creativity and their properties on the inside are unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Some of these properties have been designed the way they have in order to make use of natural materials and to blend into their surroundings. This makes them not just unique, but also good for the environment, which is more than we could say about most places. Others were designed with the hobbies and interests of their owners in mind. For example, keep an eye out for the skateboard house, which is exactly what it sounds like on the tin: a house that's been designed for skateboarding and every single surface is multi-use. When you're not sleeping in the bed, you can be skating off of it. But we can't help but think that a few of these properties have just been designed to draw in attention from the outside world without any other meaning behind them. You'll have to watch the video to see the rest of these crazy interior designs! Curious about other Amazing things from all over the world? Then, Subscribe to TheRichest and learn more! ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Oddly Satisfying Digital Art Animation
weirdly Satisfying Animation We have a very short but cool animation video to share with the world today. This is a very oddly satisfying digital art animation. It is a 3D animation loop, the video plays over and over like a gif. The animation shows some shiny parts over some pink conveyor belts that pretty […]
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How Do I Play With This?
Dog doesn’t know how to play with new toy We have a funny cute video of a golden retriever named Ridley trying to figure out what the owner expects of him. This is a funny short video that all pet lovers will most likely enjoy. This homemade clip begins with the owner of the dog […]
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Man Breaks Bricks By Hand
Guy Breaking Bricks With Nothing But His Hand Ready to watch a surprising video? Check this video out of a man breaking bricks with nothing but his bear hand. This is literally a video of a man breaking a bunch of bricks in half with just his hand. The video is surprising, it’s crazy how […]
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Monday, 14 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
There is still so much of reality that we can’t explain. Thankfully, It’s a lot easier when you have photographic evidence. Interested? You can also check out other mysterious videos! Like Mysterious Forests You Should Never Visit! Or Mysterious Rooms You Should Never Visit! Now, instead of having to believe things on word of mouth alone, we have photos and videos that can preserve reality objectively. Of course, there are ways to manipulate both mediums, but they are much more reliable than other methods of historical preservation. This means that when unexplained phenomena are caught on photo or video, it’s all the more exciting. The following video shows eight of such events caught on tape: extraordinary phenomena that the cameramen didn’t mean to capture – at least this how each video is presented. You’ll see a supposed sea monster that washed up on shore in Georgia, which resembles a dinosaur that has been extinct for millions of years. In another video, you’ll see a poltergeist flinging chairs and a wet floor sign across the hallway of a school. And in another, you’ll see what was claimed to be a black panther stalking the countryside. However, this isn’t the African or South American countryside where a panther is expected to reside. This is in England. All these unexplainable events and more will be at the mercy of your scrutiny. You may think some are faked, and perhaps some are. However, all of them are convincing in one way or another, and, at the moment of this video’s conception, none have been proven or disproven. Let your imagination wander as we count down eight of the strangest phenomena that have been caught on camera. Curious about other amazing and mysterious things happening all over our world? Subscribe to TheRichest so you'll know when we post our videos! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Sunday, 13 January 2019
New video by JukinVideo on YouTube
They're here! The very best videos of the week! From heartwarming moments to hilarious fails and cute pets, we have it all in Jukin Video's Best of the Week compilation! SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Friday, 11 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Skinwalker Ranch is a 480 acre property in Utah. It has been the center of a great deal of conspiracy, especially surrounding sightings of unidentified creatures and flying crafts by the previous owners. The past owners lived there for only a few years and the property went uninhabited for the better part of seven years. Then, in 1996 a group called NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science), funded by elusive billionaire Robert Bigelow, bought the property and began researching the supposed phenomena. This year a documentary simply titled: ‘Skinwalker’ was released focusing on the property and the mysteries surrounding it. The documentary was in part produced by author George Knapp, who published a book on the ranch in 2016. George Knapp is likely the leading voice in the Skinwalker ranch controversy. Curious about other amazing and mysterious things happening all over our world? Subscribe to TheRichest to find out more! ► ◄ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
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Extremely Rare Encounter with a Sharptail Mola
Very Rare Sharptail Mola Fish Encounter There is a very rare fish in the ocean called Sharptail Mola, these fish are extremely rare. This is a video of a man who was diving in some unknown ocean and had a very close encounter with one of these amazing fish. The video shows that the fish […]
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Base Jumping on a Motorcycle
Motorcycle Base Jumping Must see extreme sport stunt. Do you like the adrenaline pumping kind of sports? If so, then you will like this very cool short video. In this clip we get to see a guy use a motorcycle to do an amazing base jump on a very big sand dune in some desert. […]
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Sky Glows Blue During Meteor Shower
Glowing Blue Sky During Meteor Shower What an amazing video we have for you today! This is a must see video of a dark night sky glowing blue during a meteor shower and it looks very cool. The video seems to be shot from a camera on someones porche or a camera mounted somewhere on […]
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Thursday, 10 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Most of us are proud to say that we can surf the internet like a pro. However, the conventional internet that we all know and love is far from the mysterious and terrifying things you can find in the Deep Web. Interested? You can also check out other mysterious videos! Like Mysterious Forests You Should Never Visit! Or Mysterious Rooms You Should Never Visit! Back to the Deep Web, this means that we are only getting part of the picture when it comes to the internet. To be honest, we’re not even getting half of the picture. We’re getting a corner that has been ripped off. According to studies, Google only has anywhere between 4% and 16% of the internet indexed. This means that there can be as much as 96% of the web that we don’t know about. We call this the deep web, in which some parts can also be known as the dark web. This part of the internet can be quite the frightening and intimidating place. Illegal activity can often be found in the deep web. If you’ve ever had your identity stolen, we guarantee that it likely happened on the deep web. Identities and credit information can go for cheap out there. You can even hire people for illegal services and other scams in the deep web, because it's not like the victims can report a crime without getting in trouble themselves. This is only scratching the surface when it comes to terrifying facts about the deep web. There are so many reasons to not trust it, as it truly isn’t a safe place to browse. Enter at your own risk! Curious about other amazing and mysterious things happening all over our world? Subscribe to TheRichest so you keep learning! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Floating Hedgehog Really Enjoys Bath Time
Floating hedgehog Enjoys Bath Feel like watching a sweet video? This homemade clip is sure to satisfy your craving. This video shows us a very cute small little pet hedgehog getting a bath. The little hedgehog is floating in his little ball mode facing upwards while his owner is giving him a bath. The little […]
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Waiting for Christmas Like a Boss
Waiting for Christmas Like a Boss Cute pet videos are the best! Today we have a very cute clip recorded of a funny little dog in a cozy Christmas sweater. The white little guy seems to be munching on something while he is being recorded. This video seems to be shot inside a house with […]
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Backflip Fail on the Beach
Beach Backflip Fail Today we have a pretty good fail video for you. Today we get to see how a guy who is obviously trying to show off his back flipping skills for everyone on the beach. Unfortunately for him his backflip doesn’t end well. He wasn’t able to land the flip because of a […]
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Wednesday, 9 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
We can’t think of many things more naturally terrifying than a forest. Just think about it: they’re giant, dark, wooded areas that a person can easily get lost in, but that’s not all. Interested? You can also check out other videos of the series! Like Mysterious Rooms You Should Never Visit! Or Mysterious Islands You Should Never Visit! Back to the forests, they’re also filled with animals—dangerous animals. We’re talking wolves, bears, snakes, mosquitoes, and things like tigers and leopards depending on your location. But we know this is not all you think about when you think about forests. Folk tales and the media have made it so that nature is not the first thing many people worry about when venturing into the wilderness. This is reserved for ghosts, serial killers, witches, Satanists, and everything else that populates the dark recesses of one’s imagination. This video contains the forests that are said to harbor all these creatures, and so much more. Take Elfin Forest in California, which is said to be home to a notorious white witch that is so terrifying that it makes the Blair Witch seem like Hermione Granger. Another supernatural forest is Hoia Forest in Romania, which contains a 1,000-foot circular area where nothing grows. This has been attributed to everything from magnets to aliens. Perhaps the best known of the forests that you’ll see in this video is Germany’s Black Forest, whose supposed paranormal activity served as the inspiration for the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. Of course, you don’t need any supernatural elements to make some of the other forests in this video so mysterious. Like Aokigahara, for instance: a Japanese forest wherein people take their own lives in record numbers; or the Shawnee National Forest, wherein mass migrations of snakes occur. There was no shortage of creepy forests to choose from, and these seven represent the creepiest of the creepy. Curious about other amazing and mysterious things happening all over our world? Subscribe to TheRichest so you keep learning! For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Cement Truck Tips and Falls
Cement Truck Falls We got a pretty big fil to watch today. In today’s clip we get to see how a cement truck tips and falls over. It’s a video that anyone can watch and enjoy seeing. But any cement truck driver will most likely cringe at the sight of the truck tipping over, especially […]
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Cat is a Cute Little Climber
Climbing Cat is Too Cute This big fluffy climbing cat is too cute. In this video we get to watch how an adorable chubby cat tries to climb onto a shelf to get what looks to be a cat toy out of a box. It’s very funny to see this guy trying to get this […]
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Tree Cutting Fail, Truck Pays Price
Tree Cutting Fail Ends With Tree on Truck What a fail we have today. This clip shows how a man begins to cut a tree and struggles for a bit until he manages to get that darn thing to drop. The tree seems to be very close to a house or shed and that’s probably […]
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Tuesday, 8 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Who says you can’t make money from the internet? Ever wondered what David Dobrik, one of the most popular vloggers around, spends his money on? He first made waves on Vine. Even when the videos were just seconds long, David was able to capture an audience and keep them around. You could say that his fans wait with bated breath as they anticipate his next move. This is crucial if you’re going to become a vlogger. He has a certain kind of charisma that appeals to all sorts of people. That might be why he has millions of subscribers on YouTube! Of course, with millions of subscribers, that means that he’s making plenty of money. Thanks to ad revenue, sponsorships (thank you SeatGeek) and his merchandise sales David is far from having money troubles. Given that his views are often in the millions, he’s probably getting a really nice paycheck that would make even the most adept Forbes businessman jealous. He’s making so much money that he is able to provide gifts for his family and friends on a regular basis. For example, he’s known to gift his friend with nice cars, nice* animals and even help them grow their youtube channels. So, if you’re looking for a new friend, you might want to add David to your list. But he’s even gracious to his fans and acquaintances. One time, he bought food for everyone at an In N Out chain. David is also known for showing off his wealth, and videos will often be posted of him doing ridiculous things with money. Regardless of how you feel about David Dobrik, you can’t deny that he manages to maintain a good balance between spoiling himself, giving gifts to his friends, and being generous to the community. Check out our video to see exactly how David is spending his millions! If you want to learn more about our amazing world, Subscribe to the channel! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Sea Turtle Rescued From Fishing Line
Sea Turtle Rescued From Fishing Line Today we get to see another video of us humans being good and helping out another species. This video shows a poor sea turtle that got caught in a fishing line. The video was shot on a boat during a tour with the company Cabo Shark Dive. In the […]
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Kayaking Down the Largest Natural Water-Slide
Kayaking Down the Largest Natural Water-Slide Check this crazy video out of the largest natural water slide! This is a unique video that I can guarantee you haven’t seen anywhere else. This is definitely an extreme sport type video, so if you’re an adrenaline junkie you will most definitely like this. Today’s video shows a […]
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Monday, 7 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Looking for a place to stay while on vacation that won't cost you an arm and a leg? Look no further than Airbnb. Ever since it was founded in 2008, Airbnb has been a great way for travelers to cut costs and for homeowners to make a bit of extra cash—or a lot of extra cash, depending on the property in question. Not all Airbnb properties are created equal. You can rent anything from a sleeper van that's seen better days to a castle with seventeen bedrooms. And no, we're not kidding about the seventeen bedrooms. Need to see it to believe it? Check out this video to get all the details on a castle in the Loire Valley of France that can be rented out for just $15,500 per night. This castle has a three-night minimum, meaning you'll have to splash out over $52,000 to stay in a place that can host you and your closest 31 friends. If castles aren't your thing, why not spend over $30,000 for two nights on an Airbnb yacht that'll take you around Alaska? Thankfully, this nautical Airbnb listing includes gourmet meals. As these two examples quickly proved, Airbnb isn't always budget-friendly. In fact, you can quickly break the bank if you're the kind of person who needs to keep up with the Joneses. If you want to see eight more properties that'll leave you in a perpetual state of FOMO, TheRichest has got you covered! From a desert mansion in California that once had its presence graced by Lady Gaga, to a luxurious abode in Bora Bora that'll cost you over $650,000 to rent on a monthly basis, these Airbnbs aren't for the financially faint-hearted. You might not be able to afford any of them—we certainly can't, but they're definitely still fun to look at! If you want to learn more about our amazing world, Subscribe to the channel! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Cooling Off a Kangaroo During Summer Heatwave
Guy Cooling Off a Kangaroo During Heatwave Today we get to see how a man cools off a wild kangaroo during a hot summer heatwave! This is a pretty nice video showing how a Kangaroo gets close to a man who is emptying out a trough to get some of that water he was throwing […]
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Happy Hound Can’t Contain Her Excitement
Happy dog Can’t Contain Excitement Here is something you have probably never seen before. This video shows us a little white dog getting so excited that she begins to chatter her teeth. One could probably bet that none of our friends have ever seen a dog chatter its teeth. This small white dog seems to […]
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Sunday, 6 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
When you think of extinct animals, the woolly mammoth and dodo bird are two popular ones that might come to mind. But what if we were to tell you that extinct animals might not be truly extinct after all? Now, we're not trying to say that the woolly mammoth has been hiding in plain sight this whole time, but researchers have rediscovered a few other species of animal that they’d previously believed were gone for good. How could this possibly happen? Well, deforestation and destruction to habitat can sometimes cause the numbers of certain species to dwindle drastically; so drastically that some of the tinier species are able to hide away from the human eye for decades. The horned marsupial frog is one such creature. It actually made a team of biologists jump for joy after they found the species alive in a remote section of western Ecuador. In the case of the coelacanth, this fish was presumed to have gone extinct with the dinosaurs over 65 million years ago. Yet, a living one was then discovered in 1939, changing the way that we viewed extinct animals forever. As this video will soon show you, sometimes extinct animals are simply flying under the radar. Other times, extinct animals evolve to become another species entirely, like the Javan elephant. Even if we are thankfully able to bring some species back from extinction, they still usually only remain in small numbers and are considered critically endangered. Plus, if you thought that deforestation was bad enough, tourists actively looking for the pygmy tarsier can cause the species so much stress that they are known to purposely bash their heads in. So make sure to think of that the next time that you’re out exploring our beautiful world! Want to keep learning more amazing things about our world?Then, I suggest you subscribe to TheRichest and click the notification bell to keep up with our latest videos! For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Bridge Collapse in Moscow’s Gorky Park on New Year’s Eve
Bridge Collapse in Gorky Park on New Year’s Eve There was an unfortunate accident that occurred on new year’s eve in Moscow’s Gorky Park. A bridge full of people collapsed from the shear weight of all the people standing on top of it. This occurred at night and was caught on camera. This video shows […]
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Bike Rigged with Fireworks to Celebrate New Year
Bike Rigged with Fireworks to Celebrate New Year Well we got a cool strange video for the world today. This video shows how a man gets on a bicycle that was rigged with 350 fireworks. You can probably imagine the beautiful chaos that ensues. It is a pretty crazy scene to watch, it probably wasn’t […]
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Boat Gets Sucked in by Massive Wave
Boat Gets Flipped Over and Sucked in by Massive Wave We have another accident video to share today. This video shows u how a pretty large boat was flipped over by a wave and even sucked under the water. The clip shows us the precise moment this happened which is pretty amazing. The boat had […]
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Saturday, 5 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
When we think of pyramids, we immediately think about the majestic pyramids of Egypt. We’ve been learning about them our whole lives. They are the most famous pyramids and have set a certain standard in pyramid expectations. But if we put our focus only on Egypt, then we truly miss out on some of the most incredible man-made structures from around the world. Since most of the mounds and pyramids in this video are from ancient times, they are shrouded in mystery due to there being little to no information about them. Did you know that there is a man-made pyramid in Middle America in the United States? It even predates the Cahokia tribe that resided there before the Europeans came in. There’s also a pyramid made of chalk and clay in England that’s right by Stonehenge. Of course, those famous slabs of rock take the spotlight. Even China has its host of pyramids; from small ones hosting a tomb to a massive temple that was the center of a bustling metropolis. It’s hard to think of these crumbling, deserted ruins as once being the center of massive cities with thousands of people. But that only goes to show you just how much things can change, especially over the span of thousands of years. For example, the 255 pyramids in Nubia, freckling the Sudanese desert, are believed to have been built over 500 years after the last Egyptian pyramid was constructed. There are even controversial pyramids that have yet to be proven, like the valley of the pyramids in Bosnia. Even if they turn out to be a hoax, the Bosnian government definitely appreciates the tourism that their potential existence creates. Join TheRichest on a journey shrouded in mystery as we try to decipher the structures of the past and subscribe for more amazing videos here: For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube
They're here! The very best videos of the week! From heartwarming moments to hilarious fails and cute pets, we have it all in Jukin Video's Best of the Week compilation! SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Father Cries over Unexpected Gift
Father Receives Unexpected Gift and Cries Today we have somewhat of a surprising video. This is one very unique moment caught on camera. It’s Christmas eve and this father received a surprise gift from his son. We get to see the special moment in which this gift is handed to the father. The man is […]
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Malaysian Monkey Vandalizes Car
Monkey Vandalizes Blue Car What a strange video we have for the world today. This clip shows us a Malaysian Monkey vandalizing a blue car! It really isn’t that big of a surprise to see a monkey doing something bad like this since they are known to be troublemakers. But vandalizing a car? In the […]
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Friday, 4 January 2019
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Fortnite Battle Royale, a Free-to-Play game that has gotten thousands of players falling in love with now famous streamers like Ninja and Tfue. This isn’t even mentioning how simple, fun, rewarding and easy to play Fortnite actually is. This is why we have explored every aspect of why Fortnite has become so popular. Everything from PUBG to the Epic Games lawsuit and memes of Tik Tok that were inspired by Fortnite.): [Battle Royale games have been taking over the internet ever since the popular DayZ mod. Fortnite is just one of the many examples of the genre Apart from actually causing some kids to go to rehab, it's become the popular money making route for Twitch streamers that are now basically friends with a famous rapper. The game has also been great for anyone that is trying to learn about battle royale but doesn’t want to strangle their wallets trying to buy one. It’s basically a simple, easy to play and rewarding game that allows anyone to get into it and that’s why it has turned out to be so popular.] Subscribe for more amazing videos! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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White Baby Cow Takes Shelter from Heat in Car
Baby Cow Takes Shelter from Heat We have a very cute video to share today. In this video we get to see a very cute small white baby cow taking shelter from the hot sun in a car! You most likely have never seen acuter cow than the one in this video. The video begins […]
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