Thursday, 31 May 2018
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
20 beautiful military women who look amazing with or without their uniform on. Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: In America, and in many countries around the world, serving in the army is an honorable thing to do. Soldiers put their lives in danger to ensure our freedom, and their selflessness and bravery is what makes them heroes. While we tend to think that soldiers are primarily men, there are tons of women in the military too. With their brains, brawn, and beauty, what's not to love about these ladies in uniform? In this video, you'll meet 20 Attractive Women Who Fight In The Army. These women deserve every bit of publicity that they get, and we can only hope that there will one day be true gender equality in their field. Why can't a lady be both a tough military chick and a beauty queen? These fierce women are here to show you that being in the army doesn't mean that they have to be one of the boys in order to fit in. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Sunday, 27 May 2018
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
This is how leader Kim Jong-Un treats his North Korea military by brainwashing them. Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Life in North Korea is no walk in the park, but it’s an even more difficult situation when you’re in the military. Serving in the military is something that the majority of North Korean citizens have to do when they reach adulthood—regardless of their gender or occupation. Spending a decade of your life doing something that you don't want to do doesn’t sound good to begin with. North Koreans also have to deal with all of the terrible conditions that soldiers are forced to live through. They have to steal to avoid starvation, they're forced to attack other countries, and they're not able to say no. Life is certainly difficult if you’re in the North Korean army. The conditions are so terrible that some soldiers do their best to leave illegally, which can end horribly if they're caught. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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10 famous kids who act tougher behind the camera than they do in real life. Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: A new trend has emerged in this social media age of children filming themselves for YouTube and other social media outlets. Acting tough seems to be a golden ticket, as people gather by the millions to watch these videos. However, the question many viewers find themselves asking is: how much of the behavior that these children are exhibiting is genuine? With the recent Lil Tay revelation, which was made public by Snoop Dogg, it appears that these online kids may be fabricating their entire personalities. This explanation makes sense, as kids don't normally act like the underaged personas that we see on YouTube. They seem to emulate this kind of rough persona due to either media provocation or parental manipulation. Whatever the specific reason, these child stars are much less hardened than their media personalities make them seem. The following are ten cases of such misrepresentation. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Dog Falls Asleep While Standing On Kayak
The serenity of nature is under-appreciated by many of us. I’m not sure if this dog is just bored or if it’s a case of meditation gone too far…
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Saturday, 26 May 2018
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
10 creepy and haunted gems you should stay away from if you value your life! Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: When you think of curses, a few host objects come to mind. Usually, it’s a person who is most often the victim of a curse, being that an individual is normally the intended destination. These cursed people are then plagued with tragic events. However, if you want to affect more people with the curse, generations of people even—all of whom are connected to the original host—then you need to curse something that you know will come into their contact. If this is the intent, what’s a more perfect host than jewelry? Expensive, coveted, durable, and often left in wills, a piece of jewelry will come into contact with plenty of people during its lifetime. And if rich people are your target, then you'll have tons of pieces available to curse! This video shows ten jewels that brought terrible luck to their owners, which sometimes lasted over centuries. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Cat Sneezes Big During Movie
There are a dozen ways to express your disapproval of a movie. And while most of us prefer to do it without bothering others, this cat is sure to let everybody knows how it feels.
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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube
Another week, Another Best Of The Week for Y'all! We scrubbed the internet for the best it has to offer. we got a hilarious gender reveal, dunk that brought us to tears and captain that will be looking for a new career. So before you start the weekend, be sure to kick back and enjoy the Best Of The Week. Original Links: COME SAIL AWAY: NOT A SLAM DUNK: WHATS UP DOC: A STRIKING SHOT: THAT'S A SHARP KICK: SUBMISSION FAR-FETCHED: BATTER UP: SUBMISSION IT'S A BOY?: MAYBE DONT GOLF: SUBMISSION DOWNWARD DOG: DOGGY PEDDLE: HALLOWEEN CAME EARLY: SUBMISSION GRAVITY WINS AGAIN: PING PONG FLIP: WHOOPS-SKI: SUBMISSION SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Friday, 25 May 2018
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
10 famous celebrities who stay looking young the older they get. Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: If there is one thing that will happen to all of us for sure, it’s the aging process. Time is something that affects all of us in some capacity. Whether it’s the passing of time making us change, or the fact that we just don’t have enough time to get things done. Time can be both our friend and our enemy. However, in Hollywood, it seems that some mythical creature has stopped the hands of time for some lucky celebrities. Of course, some of Hollywood’s biggest celebrities use plastic surgery to turn back time. But, amazingly enough, there are some select celebrities who manage to look young through diet, exercise, and amazing beauty products. From putting on creams to eating certain foods, it seems that there are alternate routes to the fountain of youth that don’t involve seeing a plastic surgeon. Regardless of how you feel about cosmetic work, these celebs are proof that there are alternate methods to staying forever young. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Dog Loves Getting His Head Stuck
Life is one big adventure for this little doggy. No matter the obstacles, he’ll always be happy and curious to see what’s next…
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Thursday, 24 May 2018
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
10 women who lost a lot of weight and look AMAZING post pregnancy. Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Post-pregnancy is a difficult time for many women. Not only have they just spent the last nine months dealing with the stress of unwanted aches and pains, but they also have to push out and then take care of a newborn baby. It’s a time when many new moms put their physical appearance to the side so that they can focus on caring for their child. But there are some moms who somehow manage to devote time to both their looks and their kids. These are the parents who’ve managed to lose even more weight than before, and they somehow look better than ever with children in tow. Maybe pregnancy has inspired them to finally get the body they’ve wanted for years, or maybe the side effects of giving parenthood has led them to accidentally lose a whole lot of weight. Either way, these fine ladies should be applauded for coming out of a tense nine months looking more incredible than ever before. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Cat Sublets Out Its Tail To Dogs
Cats are known to be quite ignorant sometimes, while dogs are often overly enthusiastic about the most banal stuff. Put those two together and this is what you get.
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Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Animals can be bad! 😄😯
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What a Talent!
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Summer is comming 🔥😄

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Moments you may have missed at Royal wedding

Stella McCartney to the rescue US TV star Oprah Winfrey arrived at the wedding looking serene and relaxed. But her demeanour hid the last-minute drama surrounding her choice of outfit. She had realised on Friday morning that the beige dress she had been planning to wear appeared “too white” fo
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Facts About Japan That May Surprise Inexperienced Tourists

Living in the United States is great. We have beautiful national parks, plenty of beaches, and we're given a lot of freedoms that many other countries don't have. Living in America has great advantages, but it's as if every other country is alien to us. Take Japan, for example. It's on the opposite
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Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Сute Dog Has Adopted Orphan Ducklings

A very good boy. Meet Fred, the resident 10-year-old Labrador at Mountfitchet Castle in Essex. Staff said they were concerned to find the ducklings waddling around on their own, and their mother was nowhere to be seen...whereupon Fred stepped in. Just look at them.
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Funny Goodbye Cakes People Got At Work

Our workplaces may be a not-so-friendly environment for some of us. Most of the time we associate it with stress and other whatnot feelings. If this is the case, it would be easier to immediately consider another job with or without the intention of leaving colleagues behind. We mean no offense to o
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When you're 25, and you still live with your parents

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Cool And Creative Ideas For Elevators

Elevators are generally an under-used design space, with the vast majority of them retaining a functional, box-and-button style that offer little in the way of visual appeal. Luckily however, there are some who recognize the potential of this little room-on-the-move, and get as creative with the hum
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Artist Shows Everyday Life With Her Boyfriend And A Cat in Funny Comics

Our lives are full of fun, weird and borderline crazy moments that are usually not preserved anywhere else than our memories. California-based comic artist Mary Park decided that moments like these should be recorded and this is how the Murrz comic was born. Murrz is a professional cartoonist who
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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube
So what is it, soda or pop? The name may vary but we all know we are talking about that sweet carbonated deliciousness. We got crazy science experiments, someone who tries soda for the first time, and of course, a few fails along the way. So enjoy the best soda or pop clips the internet has to offer. SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Monday, 21 May 2018
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
10 unusual twins you won't believe exist! Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Seeing a pair of twins in the street is often enough to make us do a double take. And despite the fact that twins are slowly becoming more and more common as the world’s population grows, we still see them as something of a strange phenomenon. But if you find the concept of two identical people strange, wait until you hear about these even rarer types of twins. From the pair who were born two months apart, to the twins who have a different mom or a different dad, there are some identical siblings who are just a bit stranger than the rest. And then there are the twins that seriously defy nature - either by sharing the same strange birth defects or existing in a way that 21st century doctors didn’t think was possible. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Cute Cartoon Characters That Makeup Artist Make On Her Lips

Laura Jenkinson, a hair and makeup artist based in London, has come up with a creative form of lipstick makeup art that we’ve never seen before. She uses lipstick and paint to create all sorts of cute characters on her face, turning her own lips into theirs. Jenkinson depicts a variety of cute su
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The best friend will not leave in trouble!

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Stunning Cliff-Side Towns And Villages

Cities built on cliffs present us with a striking contrast between the natural world and the structures that we build to challenge and overcome it. These photos capture stunning views of some of the most epic cliff-side cities in the world. Many cities or dwellings could have been built on cliffs
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Rules That Harry, Meghan And Their Guests Broke At The Royal Wedding

It’s no secret that Prince Harry has always been a bit of a rule breaker. He actually went to rehab when he was 17 after it was found that he illegally smoked marijuana and drank alcohol underage. Then, at the age of 27, he was caught playing strip billiards in a Las Vegas hotel room. Now it seem
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Photos Showing The True Chaos Of Being A Parent In Reality

Traditional family photos are shiny, peaceful and nice to look at, but they rarely depict reality. After another photoshoot of a family with little kids turned into total chaos, photographer Danielle Guenther decided she should try to depict what parents are really going through. After posting a
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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube
This might be the G.O.A.T. of all clips. You know why? Because it is all goats, silly, goat, yoga goats, and cute goats. So the best way to start the week is with these adorable goats. SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Sunday, 20 May 2018
The Dirtbike Bail Of Doom
Some serious fails again this week, what the f%#*! How do people still fail so often when there are so much fail compilations to learn from?
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New video by TheRichest on YouTube
10 interesting facts you may not know about Donald Glover, aka Childish Gambino. Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Donald Glover, AKA Childish Gambino, may be the most diversely-talented individual in America - at least out of those we actually know about. Starting out as a small-time DJ, sketch comedy performer, and amateur writer, Glover has risen through the ranks of show-business to become one of the biggest names in the industry. More accurately, several industries. What makes Glover a singular talent is that he’s mastered every artistic venture he’s pursued. Normally, entertainers succeed at one profession and then falter when they try another. Not Glover. He’s a Grammy Award-winning rapper and singer, an Emmy Award-winning writer and director, a Golden Globe-winning actor, a renowned stand up comedian, and an all-around funny guy. Though he retains his comedic bent, Glover has branched out to more serious and overtly political art, culminating in the release of his song and music video, “This Is America.” It IS America, an America only the artist of Glover’s calibre could conceptualize. This video will reveal several disparate factors that combined to make Childish Gambino who he thinks he is. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Dog That Totally Photobombed Couple’s Engagement Photos

When Megan Determan and Chris Kluthe decided to get hitched, they wanted a beautiful photoshoot to remember the occasion by. Determan’s little dachshund named Louie, however, had other plans – he photobombed their shots and stole the show! “Megan and Chris mentioned that Louie enjoyed playing ...
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Hand dance

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Marketing Frauds That People Can See Everywhere

Sometimes marketers use tricky methods in order to persuade us to buy certain products. And even though we often get annoyed with these tricks, we still keep getting trapped in them again and again. Luckily some Internet users shared photos of terrible marketing tricks that they’ve encountered to ...
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Fun Story

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Ways You Can Use Coca-Cola For Daily Stuff

We are listing 10 alternative ways to use Coca-Cola, most of which we hadn’t heard of before. It will make your life easier. 1. Remove blood stains. Coca-cola is often used to remove blood stains from clothes, furniture, carpet, walls and floor. It’s often used as a cleaning agent on crime
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New video by TheRichest on YouTube
You won't believe what these 10 child stars did to cause a lot of trouble. They can't be controlled! Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: It’s no secret that many children go off the rails when they find fame and fortune. And we can’t say we’re that surprised. When you suddenly have the whole world at your fingertips, it must be easy to disregard all of the sensible rules your parents brought you up with. And while not all child stars decide to swap sparkly dresses for expensive cars they’re not old enough to drive, many do fall into the trap and spin out of control. From the children who are starting fights with other celebrities to the ones who are using their social media platforms for all of the wrong reasons, it seems these kids are desperately in need of some TLC. But there’s only so much you can do when your child is adored by millions of people around the world. And that’s just one of the reasons why some of the child stars on this list don’t speak to their poor parents any longer. Who knows how they’ll end up. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Best Pets of the Month Video Compilation
These little animals are the best pets of the month. It’s hard to make this list, as 99% of pets are the sweetest and bestest, so hats off for these cute beings.
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Saturday, 19 May 2018
Baboons React To Their Own Reflection
Do you remember watching in the mirror for the first time? Remember how you reacted? Maybe this video will spark your memory.
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New video by TheRichest on YouTube
10 people with the weirdest and most unique body features you've ever seen in your life. Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: The human body is a miracle in biological engineering. Over 3.8 billion years, single-celled organisms evolved into ultra-sentient beings called humans. Because we’re the most intelligent animals on Earth, we know the most about anatomy - and can discover the source of those subtle and not-so-subtle anomalies that make humans so diverse. Every individual is different, and the unique anatomical features in this video make the host individuals the rarest of the rare. Behind an extra toe or oddly colored eye, there exists a genetic underpinning that scientists still have not entirely grasped, giving mutations relative access to our microscopic selves. It’s still the Wild West on a cellular level. Though it may seem we have dominated nature, these traits remind us who’s really in control. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Daily Positive

Baby kiss 😍
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Girl Invited Her Favourite Celebrity To Prom And Got The Sweetest Surprise Ever

It’s that special time of the year again when senior students get ready for prom. Probably every one of them secretly dreams about bringing their celebrity crush to this celebration. However, only a few have the guts to actually ask them. A confident and brave 18-year-old Katie Kelzenberg, a seni
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Actors That Were Almost Cast As Avengers

When we think of the Marvel Cinematic Universe we only think of the characters that are in it. We think about the actors that play the characters we love and we don’t think about who might have been cast instead of them. The truth is that a lot of people auditioned for those roles. There are a lot...
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Chicken-mobile 💁♂
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