Thursday, 30 November 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Life Hacks That Will Make Your Life So Much Easier! Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Did you hear that you can gain access to the brand new iPhone X just by putting on a mask? If you thought that seemed a bit too easy, you’re correct. Unlocking someone’s iPhone without their password is a task and a half, and few people have managed to do it. This was the cause of many lawsuits between Apple and the FBI, and it highlighted that it’s not as easy as guessing someone’s password. We’ll let you know how people have managed to get into iPhones in the past, and how likely it is to be a concern in the future. As security technology advances, it seems like malicious scientific advancements are always just a couple of steps behind. If you’re thinking of switching from your iPhone to an Android or vice versa, this video might just give you a few things to think about. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Bird Caught Red-Handed
At first, the incoming bird receives nothing but smiles, but it’s all over and done with as soon as the little pecker flies of with the cash. The perfect crime exists after all?
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10 RICHEST Kids In The World Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: When it comes to wealth, it often comes with power, which carries tremendous responsibility. For kids who are born into these families, they are bestowed rules and regulations upon themselves. But in return for all of that work and power, there comes luxury and unlimited wealth. It seems that family bonds and strong connections are more valued than having a poor person rise up through the ranks. The parents teach their children what they need to do as they groom them to take over the family business. Yet, these kids still want to be kids and go out and live the luxurious life. This can also cause an issue when it comes to understanding boundaries and following the rules. These rich kids will also be groomed to keep their friendships and relationships only to other rich and powerful families. This is why you often see these families marrying each other. Gotta keep that money rolling! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube
For this Throwback Thursday, we're bringing you that cigarette lady. Remember, kids: cigarettes are bad for your health. SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Dogs Welcome Their Owner Home
If you’ve ever owned a dog you know one of the best moments is when you, the owner, returns home. Well imagine that, times ~12 and you get something like this insanely cute video.
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Wednesday, 29 November 2017
The amazing talent of a girl and a goat :)

The amazing talent of a girl and a goat :)
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anti-stress 😊🦉

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Snow+dogs! Best ;-)

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Fakest People Who Got EXPOSED On Social Media Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Social media is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. However, in case you haven’t noticed, when most people post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, they have a tendency to stretch the truth. They’ll post pictures or update their status and add a little extra embellishment – all to make their lives sound more interesting than they really are. From partying to looking hot to living an incredibly active life, social media is an outlet where quite a few lies come out. Sometimes you get busted or called out, sometimes not. However, who doesn’t like portraying a life on social media that closer resembles the likes of Floyd Mayweather, Kim Kardashian or Taylor Swift? Yup, we know it’s far from the truth, and we often can’t pull it off, but we all do it anyways. Take a look and see if you agree. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Whip It, Whip It Real Good
I failed just now by discarding my draft for this video, but luckily there weren’t any cameras on me. This people were less fortunate.
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How The Earth Was Made? Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Despite what some people may tell you, the Earth is always changing. This floating marble is more than just a hunk of rock. It is a living and breathing entity that we call home. If we don’t treat it right, the consequences could be dire. Studies have shown that the Earth is going through changes...some are amazing, and some...well, not so great. It’s amazing to watch the evolution of our planet, and how even the most subtle changes can make a big impact on our quality of life. Can you imagine how the Earth will evolve in 1000 years? Most of us don’t have this on our minds because we’ll be long gone. But it is certainly fascinating to consider the different options. That means that even the tiniest footprint we leave in the sand could send a ripple beyond centuries in the future. How cool is that? Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Hungry Otter Checks The Fridge For Food
Only to find it’s not even fully stocked and the stuff that’s in it is wrapped in plastic. But he doesn’t give up in his quest for food.
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Tuesday, 28 November 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Surprising Things You NEVER Knew About Kylie Jenner Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Between being on different reality shows, running her own fashion line, and coming out with her own brand of makeup, Kylie Jenner is definitely making her mark on this world. Sure, she might be famous just for being famous, but you have to admit that she’s been doing more than just sitting around and looking pretty. The socialite has managed to step out of the Kardashian shadow and is making a name for herself. Of course, on the way to stardom, you make some enemies along the way. Plus, with every eye looking at you, it’s no surprise that there will be haters and critics who loathe what you do. Thanks to social media, we can learn all about who doesn’t like who, and who has Kylie Jenner on their radar. Some of the backlash she gets is totally justified. While some of the critiques she gets lean more on the side of pettiness and jealousy. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Angry Sea Lions Are No Joke
You can try to establish dominance all you want, but in the end it’s the sea lion who comes out on top. No matter what.
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10 Theories That PROVE Time Travel Exists Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: For centuries, we have been trying to answer the question of whether we truly just live only once. There have been numerous reports of people who believe that they lived a past life. In fact, this has inspired books, movies, and there is even a Center for Reincarnation Studies! This organization is dedicated to pursuing cases of possible reincarnation, and even they are amazed with the amount of people who come forward. One of the most compelling and convincing past life cases involve children. When a child has knowledge of things that they shouldn’t, then it’s a more convincing argument to validate the proof of past lives. Wouldn’t it be great to know for sure that our consciousness survives? Oftentime, past life believers say that when we’re children, that’s when the past life’s memories are at its strongest. But, as we grow old, those walls and society cause us to forget...thus allowing us to create a new life. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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15 Things That Will IMPRESS Your Friends Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Magic tricks are always a thing that can wow an audience and make us believe that the impossible is truly something that can happen. Of course, we now know that magic shows are all about distraction and making things seem like they’re happening due to supernatural phenomenon. However, it’s all about a trick of the hand and making the eye look at something else while the magician is doing his handy work. Some of the most incredible tricks can also be pulled off quite simply without any elaborate processes. Yet these tricks do require tons of practice in order for the performance to be absolutely perfect and top notch. Magic tricks are truly something that can impress your friends as well as exercise your creativity. You don’t need to be en expert to pull it all off either! All you need is your hands, and a drive to learn and you’ll be the most popular person in no time! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Cats Are Pretty Hilarious
And this piece makes a great case for it. There are few animals funnier than cats. They’re unpredictable, spontaneous and just… funny.
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Monday, 27 November 2017
We put a fence? well done! 🙄😂

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Stunning 😲😲

😱 Stunning
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So epic 😆😆

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Amazing bouquet of sweets

Bouquet of sweets by own hands :)
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How To Fly A Plane Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: When you picture a modern passenger plane you likely have a good idea of the basic design. You know, it’s a long metal tube with slanted wings and two or four engines underneath. Given this, if you saw a plane with an abnormally large hole in the fuselage, would you think that was ok? Likely not. That’s where our story of Aloha Flight 243 comes in. Back in 1988, this passenger plane suffered a dramatic depressurization that caused a massive piece of the fuselage to rip right off. Missing nearly 18 feet of its ‘roof,’ the pilots brought this plane in for a remarkable landing. What happened and how on Earth could anyone actually fly a plane in this condition? We’ll give you the details ahead. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Casually Explained: Levels Of Wealth
The money you got kind of controls how comfortable you can live. This isn’t necessarily a good thing, but it sure must be nice to be in that top 1%. Casually Explained does a funny […]
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Surprising Differences Between North And South Korea Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: If the extent of your knowledge of wealthy people in South Korea is watching your favorite K-pop band BTS perform, we have some news for you. We are going to show you what it’s like to grow up as a wealthy kid in South Korea. While American rich kids might be covered in designer duds, the number one expenditure for rich families is their children’s education. This means fancy schools, private tutors, and a chauffeur to make sure you get to school safely. But that doesn’t mean certain rich kids won’t spend thousands of dollars to ensure they see their favorite movie before everyone else. It’s shocking the amount these kids are willing to spend on a little luxury, and how surprisingly a lot of their luxury looks like our everyday. We are talking about things we consider basic like Starbucks and Apple products, which are used to signify status in South Korea. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube
It's that time of year again! Welcome to Part 1 of JukinVideo's Top 100 Viral Videos of 2017. We're counting down the best videos of the year, so check back each week to see the next batch and let us know which ones were your favorite. From hilarious parenting, to close encounters, to great ideas, to some of the silliest ideas we've seen, we've got it all. Original Links: Baby With Moves- Banged up- Popsicle Problem-submitted Nature's Carwash- 2 For 1 Special- Take Me to the Treasure- Don't Litter-Weibo Backyard Bear-submitted Cutting Edge Competition- The Sidewalk Was Too Crowded- My Grasp on Life- Didn't Read the Fine Print- Steady Birth- Mascot Money- Real Life Action Scene- Duckling Imprint- Guaranteed Visibility- Zebra Dog- Plane-gasm- Fish Tank- Near Death Rattle- Work Smart, Not Hard- One Stop Toolbox- Edge of Fear- Bread Winner- SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Sunday, 26 November 2017
Maestro! 😎🚛

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I will explain my unwillingness! 😃

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Grown-up child stars that you would hardly recognize nowadays

Time flies very quickly: it seems like we first saw these kids just yesterday, but it turns out that they’ve already become adults and successful people. We invite you to look at some photos of a few famous child stars. You may see how they looked then and how they look now. They’ve changes a lot, …
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10 Surprising Things Companies Don't Want You To Know Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: The holiday season is upon us and you know what that means – shopping! It’s that time when people all over the world get out their credit and debit cards and scour stores for the perfect gifts. Of course, as you know, every year has seen more and more people turn to online shopping because it’s incredibly convenient. Whether Ebay, Amazon or some other site, online shopping is just so convenient. Maybe it’s too convenient? We’ve taken a good hard look around and noticed that more than a few people have learned the hard way that online purchases can quickly turn into disasters. From food and flowers to clothing and electronics, it’s amazing how scams and misunderstandings can turn online shopping fun into online shopping failure. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Queen Baby The Food Critic
Don’t you hate people who have something to criticise on everything you put in front of them? Well, in this case this habit has started at a very young age… My blood is boiling.
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20 Things You NEVER Learned In School Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Having a social life is tough enough as it is, and once you have friends, you want to keep them. Some friendships are fleeting and don’t last long, while there are friendships that last a lifetime. But in the meantime, you want to show off to your friends once in awhile. It’s in our nature! If we have something we’re proud of, then why not tell your friends? However, if you’re lacking in the talent department, there are other things you can do to amaze your friends. All you need to do is crackdown on some research and learn some new facts. But where does one even start? There is so much to learn about the world around us that it can be overwhelming to even try to pinpoint which facts are cool and which ones are duds. Well, that’s where we come in! We scoured the internet and hit the books so that you don’t have to! We pretty much took the grunt work so that you can focus on wowing your friends! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Answers To Questions You Always Wanted To Know Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: The fact that there are some people out there that believe the Earth is flat is pretty baffling to most of us with a basic understanding of science. But we can’t help but wonder, what if our planet actually is flat and we’ve just missed all of the signs? Well, the good news is that they’re pretty obvious, so we can safely say the planet is spherical. We’ll explore what daily life would be like on a flat planet. You can say goodbye to different seasons and weather patterns, but say hello to an all new side of the moon that you haven’t seen before. Plate tectonics wouldn’t be a thing on a flat planet, meaning that it’s only a matter of time before our mountains crumble and our valleys fill up. That also means we can say goodbye to ever seeing the return of a supercontinent. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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When Mating Rituals Go Wrong
This little birdie has some serious issues. It’s either in need of a pair of glasses, or it has to get his testosteron levels in check!
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10 Biggest Guard Dogs In The World Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Some dogs have the temperament to make great guard dogs, but don’t underestimate the value of having a huge dog that simply looks intimidating. We’ll introduce you to some of the biggest guard dogs around, some of which hold world records for their unusual sizes or qualities. There’s Freddy, the largest male Great Dane in the world, who costs over a hundred dollars per week to keep fed! His female counterpart is named Lizzy, and she is so tall she needs to be measured using a device meant for ponies rather than dogs. Saint Bernards were bred to guard and protect humans, but Mochi ended up in need of rescue herself. Her now owners discovered that in addition to her huge size, she also has the largest tongue out of any dog in the world! Keon is an Irish Wolfhound whose family describes her as a gentle giant, but if she takes too kindly to that compliment she just might knock you over with a single swing of her enormous tail. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Saturday, 25 November 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
10 Things Your School Teacher Doesn't Know Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: It seems that no matter where we look, there is something new to learn. That can be refreshing because once we’re at the point where we know everything, life could get a bit boring. When it comes to facts, we are so overwhelmed by the world around us. There is so much to learn and know, and it can be too much to try to learn everything there is to know. We obviously go to school to learn the basics, and then we hone in on our interests in college. Then, ideally, we get a job that’s in the field that we studied. However, college just skims the surface when it comes to street smarts. Of course, book smarts will get you quite far, but there is more to know. When you have a complete unawareness of the world around you, it shows. Sometimes, it can even affect friendships and relationships, especially if you’re not in the know when it comes to pop culture. It may even ostracize you for a bit. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Man vs woman :-D

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That's what a real fishing!

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The Most Dangerous Families In The World Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Prison is a place that we all hope to avoid ever ending up in, yet we can’t help but find it fascinating at the same time. There is a tremendous number of movies, books, and television shows about prison that we eagerly devour, but for the sake of ratings and brevity they leave out a lot about real prison life. Inmates like to pretend that they are tough, but you’d be surprised how many fake being mentally ill because they think it will benefit them in some way. Prisoners trading cigarettes for favors is a common trope, but it turns out that many of them prefer a sweeter form of payment. Many new guards don’t realize what a source of fascination they are to the prisoners. With very little to do in the form of entertainment, and a monotonous routine, many prisoners consider the actions of the guards an endless form of amusement. Some prisoners will even try to parlay their relationship with a guard into something advantageous to them. On the other hand, unless you know what you’re doing, you don’t want to be perceived as being too friendly to guards. Being labelled a snitch is one of the worst things that can happen to you, and many inmates aren’t willing to risk so much as being alone in a room with a guard just in case a vicious rumor starts to spread. When it comes to hiding contraband, most inmates get downright inventive and you won’t believe where they stash their valuables while they’re incarcerated. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Those Leftover Pumpkins You Have?
Use them to make a wonderful pumpkin pie! Food usually doesn’t get any better than this. But maybe that’s just my sweet tooth talking…
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10 Times Rich People Took It Too Far Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: We all dream of being rich and never having to worry about paying the bills. When it comes to being extraordinarily wealthy, we all associate that glitzy lifestyle with Hollywood, executive bigwigs, corporate CEOs, and so on. Thanks to televisions shows like “My Super Sweet 16” and reality programming, we’ve gotten a glimpse of what life is like for children who were literally born with a golden spoon in their mouth. Why gold? Because in their minds, silver would be a budget metal. There are rich kids all over the world, but it appears the rich kids of Dubai live an extraordinary life. These rich kids don’t even bat an eye when they’re spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on luxury cars, gourmet meals, and living the most expensive lifestyle. Because the parents of these kids are most likely working in politics, or own some of the most prosperous companies in the world, the family will forever want for nothing. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Leaked Photos Kim Jong-Un Doesn't Want You To See Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: If you’re fascinated by North Korea, but aren’t quite ready to venture there yourself, we don’t blame you! Fortunately, many brave souls have traveled there, and have managed to secretly take photos that are strictly against the rules in North Korea. Like every other aspect of life in North Korea, there are very strict laws about what can and what cannot be photographed, but every once in awhile someone manages to sneak a surreptitious photo that sheds light into what it’s like to live there. Some of these leaked images may be shocking, as they expose the poverty and living conditions that people who travel through North Korea witness. We’ll show you the squeaky clean streets of Pyongyang, as well as the less immaculately maintained parts of the city. These are some images that Kim Jong-un definitely would not want you to get your hands on. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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10 Hilarious Mistakes That Can't Be Unseen Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: By now you know that we here at TheRichest absolutely love movies. We love the classics just as much as we enjoy taking in all the latest new releases. Yet, from Alien to Castaway to Wonder Woman, despite the entertainment, we just can’t help but pick apart all the tiny mistakes we find. Think of it like Easter eggs - only instead of intentional items hidden throughout by the director, these are mistakes that eluded the editing room crew. In most cases, once you find out about these gaffs it’s all you can see the next time you watch the film. Cameramen visible in shots, continuity errors or just plain old things that don’t fit in – we’ve assembled another 10 mistakes that will have you paying extra close attention the next time movie night rolls around. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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It's the Best of the Week! Take a break from all that internet shopping going on this weekend and take a gander at the best videos of the week. We have a little bit of everything, so stick around for basketball wins and fails, awesome parents, and some down right silly solutions to everyday problems. Original Links: Docked-submitted Slice of Life- Nuts- Pendulum Perfection- Dad of the Year- Winding Down- Trick Shot- Bagpipe Baby- Holiday Homecoming- Rooftop Jump- Defensive Dummy- Too Cocky- Helicopter Mom-submitted Dad Fail- Shar Pei Scare- Sleepy Baby- Working Smart- SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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There Can Only Be One Good Girl
It’s just sinking in that there is competition on the block now. Put your best paw forward, doggy friend, you ain’t gonna let that stuffed piece of sh*t take your place now, are you?!
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Friday, 24 November 2017
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10 People Who Regretted Their Decision Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Each year, we look forward to summer traditions, like the water park opening up for the summer. As temperatures rise during the hottest season of the year, people gravitate towards the water in the attempt to cool down. Waterslides have become a favorite when it comes to summer fun. What could be better than gliding down a water-filled tube and then ending up in a nice pool of water? Despite the long lines, potential dangers, and the short-lived experience, we continue to enjoy slides to an extreme extent! In fact, the popularity of the waterslide has inspired water parks to continue growth and expansion. Plus, engineers and architects continue to create waterslides that defy physics and gravity. Today, waterslides are getting higher and higher, and they are becoming quite intimidating. The higher something gets, the faster one comes down when it’s time to slide. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Funny show 😲😄

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The Animoji Impersonator
This one makes for great stories at birthdays: “Well, what do you do for a living?” “I mimic smileys people use in online conversations.” “Oh. Okay…”
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Surprising Things You NEVER Knew About Your Favorite Brands Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Today, it’s all about brand recognition. Companies everywhere spend millions, if not billions, advertising and making sure their name and image gets out to the public. That jingle stuck in your head, that hilarious logo or that punchy slogan – all perfect examples of the ways companies work to get our attention. Naturally, the company name is where it all begins. Have a lousy or embarrassing name and that could dissuade potential customers from buying your product. Some companies have found this out the hard way, while others have lucked out and changed their name to one we all easily recognize today. These following popular companies weren’t always called what we know them by today. In many cases, we think it’s a really good thing someone in the company decided to change things up – or who knows what would have happened? Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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10 STRANGEST Things Found In People's Backyards Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: There is so much that science can tell us about the world around us, but there are still many things we don’t know the answer to. In this video, we will show you ten bizarre discoveries that managed to baffle scientists. We’ll explore outer space, and introduce you to Ross 128 b, a planet that seems like a promising place to look for extraterrestrial life. There’s also a star that just won’t quit, and is being called a zombie star because it refuses to extinguish years after experiencing a supernova. One monster planet orbiting a tiny dwarf star made us reevaluate everything we thought we knew about how planets form. On our own planet, we have discovered a faceless fish for the first time in over a century, and scientists are eager to learn more about it. We finally found a quality fossil of an ancient tree, but it makes us question why its structure is so much more complex than modern trees. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Pets And An Amazon Echo Aren’t The Best Combination
If you’re trying to save on the electricity bill, that is. If you just want to have a laugh or feel like animals should be more in control of their own destiny, then this combination […]
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Thursday, 23 November 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
10 Ridiculous Products You Definitely Don't Need! Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Maybe you’re only a fan of their meatballs and not their reasonably priced furniture, but there is no denying that there is just something special about Ikea. From their strange advertising campaigns, to their questionable products, we’ve compiled a list of 10 times Ikea took things a little bit too far. Eager to hop on the latest trend, Ikea produced a video featuring ASMR to try to appeal to customers. One high end designer tried to create a product like their iconic 99 cent Frakta bag, and it inspired a slew of customers to try their own hand at recreating the famous blue bag. In celebration of their 30th store opening in France, Ikea set up a very special apartment layout-on a rock climbing wall! We’ll also go into the strange and funny relationship between this furniture giant and the popular book and television series, Game of Thrones. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Your Tooth Is Missing
If you’ve got to fail anyway, at least let others have a laugh over it. Right? Nobody ever lost by bringing a little extra joy to the world, except maybe for when you lose a […]
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New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Experiments That Scientists Couldn't Explain Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: There is so much that science can tell us about the world around us, but there are still many things we don’t know the answer to. In this video, we will show you ten bizarre discoveries that managed to baffle scientists. We’ll explore outer space, and introduce you to Ross 128 b, a planet that seems like a promising place to look for extraterrestrial life. There’s also a star that just won’t quit, and is being called a zombie star because it refuses to extinguish years after experiencing a supernova. One monster planet orbiting a tiny dwarf star made us reevaluate everything we thought we knew about how planets form. On our own planet, we have discovered a faceless fish for the first time in over a century, and scientists are eager to learn more about it. We finally found a quality fossil of an ancient tree, but it makes us question why its structure is so much more complex than modern trees. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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The most beautiful bird 😮

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Surprising Things You NEVER Knew Your Body Could Do Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: For copyright matters please contact us at: Even though we’re all human, we’re all different. Whether it’s race, gender, genetics, abilities, disabilities, etc. there is always that “special something” that sets us apart from the rest. For example, we all have different DNA that we pass onto our offspring. But our offspring wouldn’t have the exact same DNA as us because it would be mixed with whoever we created the baby with. Sometimes, that creates some interesting mixes of genetic traits that result in some pretty amazing abilities to pull off tricks to impress your friends and family. Oftentimes, these tricks are so unique that science wants in on it and they end up studying the person. More often than not, these tricks are something that ends up putting people on the map! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube
Happy Thanksgiving! Here's a #tbt to one of the hardest workers around: Pizza Rat. Hope you are all livin' your best life, just like Pizza Rat. SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Parenting Dog Has A Hard Time Letting Go Of Her Baby
Remember when your parents were overly protective of you? Put on sixteen layers of clothing when it was cold outside, that kind of stuff. This puppy is experiencing the same things, as her mother only […]
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Wednesday, 22 November 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
FAKEST Reality Stars That Got Exposed! Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: When it comes to the entertainment business, it’s all about image and personality. It’s all about selling a brand, and the people who we have fallen in love with are just image. There’s a good chance that the person you see on TV and listen to on the radio are actually the exact opposite of who you think they are. Even though reality television gives off the vibe that it’s real, it’s still all scripted. Plus, there’s a story that needs to be told. Why else would reality shows have a writer? Also, even those on sitcoms and dramas are expected to portray a certain image for the sake of their network. If they can sell themselves are certain characters, then it is more likely that they’ll have a substantial amount of work. This is why we are often shocked when we meet TV stars and find that they’re completely different without the camera in front of them! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Roomba Rodeo
This cute little baby goes on a grand adventure around the house, on his own little rodeo. Learning how to walk never was more unnecessary! Just hop on the roomba rodeo and be gone!
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New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Famous People Who Seriously Let Themselves Go Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Checkout ThePremium for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: We hold celebrities to a higher standard of beauty. Because they are constantly in the spotlight, society expects them to look a certain way all the time - especially at the peak of their popularity. But, as we all know, a celebrity doesn’t always stay famous forever. Like most stars, they eventually fizzle out. Sometimes, if they leave the spotlight early enough, they might have a shot at an epic comeback when their older. However, when you look at some of these stars after their time is done, you can definitely tell that they are enjoying their earnings and living the easy life. When a celeb doesn’t have to hit the gym every day, eat a strict diet, and follow an insane schedule, you can definitely see the difference in their face and body! Hey, if you had a decent amount of money to sit on, you’d be enjoying the easy life as well! Hollywood is hard work! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Holiday Shopping FAILS Caught On Camera Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Every November, after giving thanks for everything they have, people head out to stores and proceed to trample each other to get the best bargains at their local stores. It’s called Black Friday and while we often associate it with the United States, it’s a phenomenon that is spreading to the rest of the world. Naturally, this brings out the worst in people and we’re here to show you the times that shoppers went over the line when it came to getting those Black Friday deals. From fighting and stampedes to pepper spray and desperate acts – even the Marines have been getting in on the craziness. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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This is cats. Just little bigger 😄

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Be strong! Be persistent! 🐕😎

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So young, but already incredible!

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This dog is amazing! 😮

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Ozzy Man Reviews: Goat On A Power Line
As if a goat hanging on a power line isn’t weird enough, Ozzy Man makes it even weirder. And funnier. Poor goat, but luckily the end is kind of happy.
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Tuesday, 21 November 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Mysterious Photos That Can't Be Explained Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: A missing person is one of the most concerning things about the world we live in. Sometimes, people just disappear without a trace and there’s no telling what happened to them. Mysterious circumstances can stir up some crazy emotions and make us think about the worst case scenario like aliens, murder, kidnapping, and more. If a person disappears on their own, that’s one thing. But a missing person also acts as a grim reminder that not everything in this world is all sunshine and rainbows. When the missing person is discovered in a bizarre place, only more questions come about with no answer on the horizon. Then, we start to wonder whether we could one day face the same fate! It certainly doesn’t help any of us sleep at night. From being found in freezers to even a barrel, we’re about to learn how some missing people got a bizarre resting place! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Wanna Trade Dog Beds?
We all know the “if I fits, I sits” meme, but that’s usually associated with cats. Did you know dogs have their own problems when it comes down to fitting in their beds? Looks like […]
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Answers To Questions You Always Wanted To Know Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Every day, around the planet, several million people use aircraft to get from Point A to Point B. In the vast majority of flights, everything goes just fine. Even during the times something does happen, there’s usually a safe ending. However, there are a handful of times the unthinkable happens. That’s where we come in. Hollywood often shows us scenes of passengers getting sucked out of a plane, or falling without a parachute. This leads to the question - could you survive a fall of 30,000 feet without a parachute. We’ll take a look at the situation and try to show you just what sort of answer you can expect. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Famous Celebs You Would NEVER Recognize Today Checkout TheRichest Españo: Hablas español? Suscríbete : Checkout ThePremium for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Being a celebrity means that you’re expected to live to a higher standard. It means that you’re always expected to look absolutely stunning at all times. If there is a moment of weakness where a celebrity decides to put away the makeup for a day, or even stop their workout regime, then it could spell disaster. With the paparazzi waiting around every corner, it seems that a star has to be “on” at all times. For one, that’s not fair because we all deserve an off day once in awhile. Plus, we’ve all had moments where we let ourselves go temporarily. That could be because we’re sick, or going through a rough time. We tend to forget that celebrities are people too, and they go through different phases of life just like the rest of us. If anything, it should make us feel better that celebrities have their off days too, so it’s all rather normal! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Is Sneezing A Sin?
Well, no. But this cute baby definitely thinks so. Well mannered as she is, she makes sure everyone knows this was not what she intended to do.
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14 Hilarious culinary fails

Probably, everybody at least once in their life tried to bake a tasty dessert, to please their relatives and friends with some delicious. But you definitely should have talent for this, otherwise you will get a shot from the horror film … For example, these people should not experiment with desserts...
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She arrives every morning to her friend 😍😊🐦

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Work smarter. Not harder 🙂

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