Tuesday, 31 October 2017

New video by TheRichest on YouTube

10 SNEAKY Con Artists Who Got Exactly What They Wanted
10 Ways Burglars Try To Steal Your Money Checkout ThePremium for free: http://tpr.st/r:y:sMtWlkZvZwc Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com When you think about it, we all have goals in life. They could include getting lots of money, becoming famous, even getting away with a crime. The possibilities are endless! However, we all have good and bad reasons to obtain our goals and there are a multitude of ways we can achieve them. The honorable way is to work toward your goals, get an education, and pay your dues. Yet others would rather use a shortcut. Some people might even try to be sneaky and trick people into giving them money and opportunities using a lie. We like to call these people, con artists. They swoop in like snake oil salesmen, tricking people into trusting them and allowing them to do as they please! It may seem a bit unfair that these con artists end up getting what they want, but that’s how life can be sometime. Where’s karma when you need her? Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

Famous Child Stars Who MATURED Too Quickly!
Checkout TheRichest Españo: http://goo.gl/GLBdRg Famous People Who Grew Up Too Fast Checkout ThePremium for free: http://tpr.st/r:y:hNHeLmKyNmw Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com Hollywood is a tricky world where age and looks can make or break you in a snap. Child stars work in a business where they have to not only look young and vibrant, but they also have to be mature and act like little adults. It’s a tricky line to walk on because child stars have the potential to get lots of work while they still look young and innocent. But eventually, these child stars grow up. Unlike us average people who age on a specific timeline, it seems that Hollywood clocks move a lot faster. This means that a child star may look like a kid one moment, and then the next time you see them, they’re little adults! The cast of “Stranger Things” is probably the best example of this, as they have proven that adolescents can turn into little adults in just a span of a year! Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

15 Times IKEA Went A Little Too Far!
10 Ridiculous Products You Definitely Don't Need! Checkout ThePremium for free: http://tpr.st/r:y:SD_XbW8ViCw Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com IKEA is a giant furniture store with corporate personality to match. They’re always making us laugh with their creative and clever advertisements, but sometimes their actions leave us shaking our heads. In this video, we’ll show you fifteen examples of times IKEA may have gone just a little too far. It seems like some IKEA employees might have spent too much time watching a popular HBO series, and let it impact their work performance. You might have seen the leather bag that bore a striking resemblance to the 99 cent IKEA Frakta bag, but did you hear about the company’s funny response? And those bags have even more uses than you might imagine, as people are using them to fit their items and get fit themselves! It may be your dream to spend the night in a furniture store, but for some people their IKEA sleepover dream became a reality. While an IKEA sleepover is a big night, one couple chose the store as a venue for their big day! We all love getting our copy of the hefty IKEA catalog in the mail. Turns out that IKEA loves their own catalog so much that they made a high tech commercial about it. If they made a whole commercial about that, it’s not surprising that for their store they created an entire web series! If you want to view the best of IKEA’s designs for small spaces, you’ll have to see the 400 square foot apartment that they created and left on a street corner! Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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Monday, 30 October 2017

Different sides of a day 😉😁

Different sides of a day 😉😁

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A store dance 💃🤣

A store dance 💃🤣

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First aid prank 😆😆

First aid prank 😆😆

First aid :D :D

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Halloween prank

Halloween prank

Red button 😱😃

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Before you dissapear 😲🎈

Before you dissapear 😲🎈

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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

Disney Movies That Look Nothing Like You'd Expect
Behind The Scene SECRETS Of Hollywood Revealed Checkout TheRichest Españo: http://goo.gl/GLBdRg Checkout ThePremium for free: http://tpr.st/r:y:qgBKDmLqEio Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com We know that movies utilize CGI all the time, but what we rarely see is how these movies look behind the scenes. We will show you some surprising images from some of your favorite Disney films that look nothing like you might expect them to. Of course, we know that Rocket and Groot were added to Guardians of the Galaxy using CGI, but have you seen the awkward looking pictures taken during filming? Let’s just say you’re missing out on seeing Bautista petting a grown man in a skin tight green costume. Pirates of the Caribbean and Captain America both use CGI to play with the age of an actor and make an incredibly realistic younger or older version of a current actor. Alice in Wonderland and Maleficent both feature so many special effects that the vast majority of the production time was just dedicated to that and not to the parts involving actual human actors. Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

BIZARRE Fast Food Variations You Don’t Want To Eat! (Kit Kat Quesadilla)
Checkout TheRichest Españo: http://goo.gl/GLBdRg Food Combinations That Could Ruin Your Life! Checkout ThePremium for free: http://tpr.st/r:y:PAaTM4JKKf8 Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com We all know that fast food isn’t the healthiest thing for us to eat. After all, the insane amounts of fat, sugar and salt that we end up consuming at our favorite restaurants has to go somewhere – whether it’s your hips or your heart. Yet, we love it just the same. The people who run and market these fast food restaurants know that and they are always trying to push the limits of design (and taste) when it comes to what is on the menu. Don’t expect to see any regular burgers and fries here. We’ve travelled the world to bring you some of the strangest variations of classic foods you’d likely be reluctant to try. Even if they are tasty, the sight of them is enough to scare most customers away. Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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Sunday, 29 October 2017

One story...😎

One story...😎

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Who is your favorite? :-D

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Blind prank :)

Blind prank :)

Blind man prank

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the unknown space 😃😁

the unknown space 😃😁

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Toilet prank 😆😆

Toilet prank 😆😆

Toilet repair 😆😆

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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

Famous People Who Seriously Let Themselves Go
Photos Hollywood Stars Want Deleted From The Internet Checkout ThePremium for free: http://tpr.st/r:y:j7OYN_RZv1I Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com Living life in the public eye can often be unforgiving! It seems that fame makes it so that you’re not allowed to have moments where you let yourself go. We all deserve a break from the constant workouts and eating healthy all the time. But when you have an army of paparazzi following you around, every flaw and roll can be noticed. How many times has a celeb received heat for gaining five pounds? Considering we’re a society that’s on its way towards body positivity and fighting against any sort of body shaming, our treatment of celebrities is rather ironic! Yet, we can look at these celebs who seriously let themselves go and use it as an opportunity to see how relatable these celebs can be! We as a society seem to enjoy judging famous people, even when they go through the natural cycle of aging and body changes. But in Hollywood, that’s unforgivable it seems! Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

REAL Women Who Are One In A Million
10 AMAZING People You've Never Seen Until Now Checkout ThePremium for free: tpr.st/r:y:YFG5qzMN0Ds Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com When it comes to being a woman, sometimes there are challenges for equality as well as the desire to stand out. Women are pretty incredible, as they can bring life into this world and most have taken on the role of nurturing. And that’s just for an average woman! It can be hard enough to get through this world without different conditions and prejudices. Just think about what it could be like to be a woman who is different. There are some women out there who are so unique that they have reached a certain amount of fame on their own. Take Victoria Wright for example! She has a condition called cherubism, which has caused growths on her face. She has become an activist for equality for the disabled community and has become a hero to many! That’s just one story! There are plenty more in this video, and we can’t wait to introduce you to these amazing women! Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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Saturday, 28 October 2017

The such stressful morning 🌞⏰🤣

The such stressful morning 🌞⏰🤣

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I Like Cats & Dogs

Funny dogs :D

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Ghost fear😆😆

Ghost fear😆😆

Phantom fear :)

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Drama prank😀😀

Drama prank😀😀

Ha-ha 😆😆

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The one of the way to eat 😛😅

The one of the way to eat 😛😅

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Groovy Snake Is Awesome

Snake is having a blast!

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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

CREEPY HALLOWEEN Urban Legends That Are Actually True!
10 Places You NEVER Want To Visit Checkout TheRichest Españo: http://goo.gl/YnQh69 Checkout ThePremium for free: http://tpr.st/r:y:9lAgiLNCoUg Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com Who doesn’t enjoy a good creepy legend every now and then? When it comes to urban legends, it seems that Halloween is the birthplace of some of the most creative and wild stories. Because Halloween is already the holiday of frights and scares, there have been some rather creative legends that have been invented either by writers or the general public. While we think that these urban legends were mere inventions to scare us, some of them are actually based on some truth! Of course, that doesn’t make you feel more confident about going out alone on Halloween, but these legends are based on a single event that just happened to go “viral” so to speak. That means, the urban legend really just was a “one in a million” situations that then became a common rumor. Obviously, this doesn’t lessen the creepiness of said urban legend, but it can be fun to think about sometimes! Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube

Best Videos Compilation Week 4 October || JukinVideo
It's the end of the week, and you know what that means: Best of the Week comin' at ya! We've collected this week's best of the best right here, and we've got a pretty awesome assortment of clips for your viewing enjoyment. Sit back, tune in, and check out everything from adorkable dogs to crazy trick shots to some of the dopest dance moves around. Original Links: 1 Airline Runway-https://www.facebook.com/TerryMcBrideMusic/videos/834204146758742/ 2 Precise Wheelie-https://www.facebook.com/guffroyjeanmichelfanpage/videos/1571923442859684/ 3 Flaming Puck-https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/670365276328861697 4 Intermittent Thirst-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCnboTXQOig 5 EVERYBODY EATS ZA-https://instagram.com/p/BacYqG6nFDI/ 6 DO IT FOR THE VIEWS-https://www.facebook.com/aeratrucks/videos/1589306124445769/ 7 QUALITY SERVICE-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yghwPZzT7-U 8 CAT FISH-https://instagram.com/p/BaLkNOKjK1a/ 9 PET DEER-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9nL76GDukQ 10 PROMPOSAL-submitted 11 SOCCER SKILLS-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy5wndYVwtY 12 JUST JUMP-https://instagram.com/p/BaHf1o-hNox/ 13 BARKING UP THE TREE-https://twitter.com/HannahMcCallum4/status/919985784857513985 14 BEAST MODE-https://instagram.com/p/BZ7PlvRljIY/ 15 PUPPY PLAYTIME-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLimM0L0tA0 16 DOTHRAKI TRAINING-https://instagram.com/p/BZx0HoeBk0n/ 17 SUSPICIOUS DRIVER-submitted 18 EXCITED ELEPHANTS-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fsvcnWfUuw 19 BLOW HARDER-submitted 20 BEACH RESCUE-https://www.facebook.com/vinicius.pereira.7370/videos/1473864212683075/ SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: http://bit.ly/JukinVideo Submit your video here: http://bit.ly/3-submit-here LIKE us on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JukinVideoFB FOLLOW us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JukinVideoTwitter Short vids on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JukinVideoInstagram Shorter vids on VINE: http://bit.ly/JukinVideoVine JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at http://jukinmedia.com/licensing

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Songs With My Daughter

This is the sweetest duet you’ll ever see.

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Friday, 27 October 2017

New video by TheRichest on YouTube

10 Surprising Reasons You Should NEVER Buy The Iphone X
Checkout TheRichest Españo: http://goo.gl/GLBdRg Tech Gadgets That Are Ruining Your Life! Checkout ThePremium for free: tpr.st/r:y:M8qr_6d_yGE Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com With all the buzz around the iPhone X you might be wondering if it’s worth the splurge. After all, it’s a new Apple product, so it must be awesome, right? We’ll show you ten surprising things about the iPhone X that might just give you pause. It’s a few hundred dollars more than the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, but are those fancy features really worth it? You might say no after learning that all three models have the same inner workings and speed. You can forget about using your TouchID, because it’s been completely replaced with FaceID which might lead to reduced functionality and increased security risk. And to use the FaceID, Apple designed the phone with an obnoxious notch that has many phone users dismayed since it looks like an eyesore. Just when it seemed Apple was catching up to Androids when it came to screens, it seems they have taken one big step back. Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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Squirrel Snacking Away

Because who doesn’t like pizza…

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Undercover Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan reveals his deepest feelings, anonymously.

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from Viral Viral Videos https://www.viralviralvideos.com/2017/10/27/undercover-jackie-chan/
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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

GENIUS Food Packages That Will Change Your Life
Checkout TheRichest Españo: http://goo.gl/GLBdRg Mind Blowing Trick Advertisers Use To Manipulate Photos Checkout ThePremium for free: tpr.st/r:y:GhIPyCsBrEk Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com Who here loves food? Eat the right food, you might have a nice figure. Eat the wrong food and, well, you’ll look a bit different. What we eat makes a difference in our life. But these days, we’re reaching for convenience, which is what we’re all looking for in this complicated world! You could say that food is that universal thing that brings the world together. We all eat something...even if one person is vegan and the other is the most intense meat eater in the world - they both share a common trait. Throughout time, we have learned how to make food consumption the most convenient for us thanks for engineers and clever minds. From inserting a place for a sauce packet to sit in an order of fries to methods of eating that have changed the way we look at food, there are some genius packaging ideas that will make you think, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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Crazy 😅

Crazy 😅

Ha-ha girls happy :D

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Great Skills

Future football star

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The incredible night 🤣😎😁

The incredible night 🤣😎😁

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Live Toy😆😆

Live Toy😆😆

Live Toy 😆😆

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Black hole 😆😆

Black hole 😆😆

Black hole :D :D

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Jurassic Park Proposal || JukinVideo Clip of the Week
For this week's Clip of the Week, we're taking it back. Way back. All the way back to the Jurassic age. Not really, but we are bringing you a Jurassic Park themed proposal, singing dinosaurs and all. Life finds a way. SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: http://bit.ly/JukinVideo Submit your video here: http://bit.ly/3-submit-here LIKE us on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JukinVideoFB FOLLOW us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JukinVideoTwitter Short vids on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JukinVideoInstagram Shorter vids on VINE: http://bit.ly/JukinVideoVine JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at http://jukinmedia.com/licensing

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Shopping Never Was This Adorable Before

I wonder if these cute piglets were taken on a trip or if they were picked up in the store itself?

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Thursday, 26 October 2017

New video by TheRichest on YouTube

Photos Of Famous Celebs That Prove They’re ONLY Human
Famous People Who Let Themselves Go Checkout ThePremium: tpr.st/r:y:9u5sfx9wUgM Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com When it comes to celebrities, we tend to place them on a pedestal and admire them as if they were gods. Surely, a celebrity can do no wrong, right? Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Celebrities have to maintain a certain public image for the sake of a production company. If they become too controversial, they might turn themselves off from getting cast in the next big television show or movie. For a music star, their record sales might get affected. When we the people buy a ticket to a movie, buy an album, or tune into a show, we expect perfection it seems. But we tend to forget that celebrities are human too! They have their moments where they might battle a disease, like Selena Gomez. Or, heaven forbid they forget to put on their makeup one day! We might have more in common with celebrities than we think! Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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Pretending To Be Klay Thompson

With those looks? How hard can it be?

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from Viral Viral Videos https://www.viralviralvideos.com/2017/10/26/pretending-to-be-klay-thompson/
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New video by TheRichest on YouTube

HIDDEN Features Companies Don’t Want You to Know About (iPhone X)
SECRETS Customers Never Knew About Until Now Checkout ThePremium for free: http://tpr.st/r:y:aZtnNZcSZ-8 Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg For copyright matters please contact us at: david.f@valnetinc.com Whether we’re out shopping, watching television or surfing around online, it’s impossible not to notice all the awesome and new technology that we can buy. From entertaining us to making our lives easier, these products are always getting better. Yet, it turns out quite a few pieces of new tech have features we’re not told about – on purpose! In some instances it’s on purpose, while in others the company just doesn’t seem to care enough. Well, we’re here to show you once and for all. Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRichest.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRichest_Com Instagram: http://instagram.com/therichest For more videos and articles visit: http://www.therichest.com/

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So don't need to do it, humans! 😀

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Abnormal girl 😂😂

Abnormal girl 😂😂

Abnormal girl :D

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Time to fly 😝😛😜

Time to fly 😝😛😜

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Trouble in park :D

Trouble in park :D

Dinosaur in the park 😆😆

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Teleportations 😉😎🤣😁

Teleportations 😉😎🤣😁

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