Saturday, 30 September 2017
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People You Won't Believe Actually EXIST! Checkout ThePremium: Subscribe to TheRichest! For copyright matters, please contact us at Although being born with an extra body part is rare, it is not unheard of. And there are a few cases that have captured the public’s attention, both past and present. Just a few years ago, these people could earn a pretty penny by joining a ‘freak show’. Thankfully, the time of freak-shows has long passed. No longer do people queue for miles just to see an abnormal person. Back then, performers could make quite a lot of money, as you will learn in the case of Betty Lou Williams, the woman with four legs and a beautiful face. Thanks to the steady march of progress, people born with an extra body part can have it removed or if that is not possible, still live a comparatively normal life. Follow the tales of these unusual people who have not let their disabilities get the best of them. From parasitic twins to rare conditions, we’ll show you 10 inspiring stories of people who were born with an extra body part, like baby Hong Hong, to a little girl who was worshipped as a deity because of her unusual appearance. Or about the woman who struck gold by being featured in ‘Ripley’s Believe it or Not!” and managed to send all her 11 siblings to university. These people may have strange stories - no, scratch that, they have very strange stories but they are just normal people living normal lives, and their struggle to be able to say that might just inspire you. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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September has come to an end. Fall is just around the corner and Halloween is dead ahead. As we prep for the ghoulish delights of October, let's take a look back at all the crazy, awesome, or just down right strange clips we saw last month. Whether it's a snake in your salad, some gosh darn adorable dogs, or some pretty crazy falls, we've got quite the collection. Goodbye, September. It's been real. 1. 2. Original Links: 1 CAN’T STOP, WON’T STOP- 2 BEHIND THE SCENES- 3 ALMOST IMPALED- 4 SLIPPERY MOVES- 5 DRINKING QUEEN- Submission 6 RATTED OUT- 7 IT’S A TWIST OFF- 8 TRICK SHOT- 9 TIMBER- 10 LAST CALL FOR BOARDING- 11 FLOATING SUCCESS- 12 BARKING ORDERS- 13 BLOWN UP GENIUS- 14 MY NUTS- 15 DAD, WHY- 16 GET OFF YOUR PHONE- 17 SSSSALAD- 18 LAST MINUTE EXIT- 19 MOM JUST WANTS TO HAVE FUN- Submission 20 CAT PACK- 21 PANIC MODE- 22 UNLIKELY CULPRIT- 23 DOGGY POSE- 24 WHAT’D I MISS- 25 I WANT OUT- 26 CARNEY FAIL- Submission 27 SLICE AT LIFE- 28 HEART OF GOLD- 29 EYE POPPING- 30 CROSSED CYCLIST- 31 SURPRISED REACTION- 32 GIRLS ARE BETTER- 33 CHAINSAW CUT- 34 PRARIE PET- SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: At one point in time, most of us have wished that we were a little more like the glamorous celebrities we see on magazine pages and on television. However, some of us are not content to merely dream about it, and they set out to make their dream a reality. We will introduce you to a man who has spent over $66,000 to look more like pop idol Madonna, and now makes his living impersonating her. One woman believed that dying her hair blonde made her look like Pamela Anderson, so she decided to embrace the resemblance by springing for plastic surgery, botox, and more. We will show you some of the most insane, obsessed fans out there, including the fans of K-pop who are so out there they even have their own word: sasaeng. These rabid fans aren’t above doing the unthinkable to get close to their idols, even if it means crashing a wedding, shaving their heads, or bursting into the men’s bathroom! If you hate spoilers, you might hate one Game of Thrones actor who made a small on screen appearance into a huge scuffle with fans when they accused him of leaking spoilers. Some Supernatural fans believe that they could write the show better than the current writing staff, and so they are doing so, which we are sure the writers really appreciate. Some celebrities do make their fans dreams come true by escorting them to prom, but if that doesn’t work, sometimes a cardboard cutout is the next best thing. At least you won’t have to be constantly fetching your date punch. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Friday, 29 September 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Children You Don't Want To MESS With Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Now that it’s almost Halloween, most of us have been thinking about ghouls, ghosts, goblins, and other fictional frights. But in the real world, there is more than enough material that would keep you up at night if you heard about it. Children can certainly be adorable, but some children grow up to be pure evil. You may wonder if they were born evil, or if they turned evil because of traumatic life events, but we will let you be the judge of that when we tell you these ten stories guaranteed to leave you with chills. You might know David Berkowitz better as the Son of Sam, who lead New York City cops on the largest manhunt in their history because of crimes he was allegedly told to do by his neighbor’s dog. No, really. If you felt creeped out watching Stephen King’s It, wait until you meet a real life frightening clown, John Wayne Gacy. He was bullied as a child, but as an adult he enjoyed masquerading as Pogo the Clown, and entertaining kids, when he wasn’t committing sinister crimes. When the dastardly deeds of Aileen Wuornos were discovered, many people were shocked that a woman could commit such horrible crimes. But after a tragic and troubled childhood, it seems sadly less surprising. Karla Homolka helped her husband Paul Bernardo commit horrific crimes, but was later released from prison. She has started a new family, and the frightening thing is that she even volunteers at schools. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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10 Paused Moments You Need To See To Believe Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: We live in a world where we’d like to think we have all the answers. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Medical experts work to solve riddles like cancer, engineers strive to figure out new types of materials and structures and we all try and figure out over-all questions, like what is the meaning of life? Of course, there are also a slew of natural phenomena that have puzzled our best experts since the dawn of time. We’ll consider some of these in the following video. From strange animal behavior to extraterrestrial theories, see what you make of these following mysteries of nature. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube
This is terrifying! How high was that fall? 😱 A fair worker has the fright of his life when he falls from a ferris wheel as he attempts to rescue some children stuck in a tilted gondola. SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Thursday, 28 September 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Photos That Got People In Trouble On Social Media Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: When you were a kid, it seemed like the world was your oyster, and there were an infinite number of possible jobs for you to have as an adult. Once reality hit, you likely settled into something sensible and profitable, but we are going to tell you about ten bizarre jobs that your guidance counselor definitely never told you about! Jessica Vanessa started out in a standard career as a teacher, and now she makes more in six seconds than she did in four months! For now, she’s relying on her beauty instead of her brains as she makes a living as a professional twerker. If you find yourself fighting to get out of bed in the morning, maybe being a professional sleeper is for you. You can get paid for catching some shut eye in a fancy hotel, or onboard a spaceship! Some people aren’t fans of sleeping alone, and for those people we recommend hiring a professional cuddler to make your lonely nights a little less so. Wedding days can be really stressful, and having a bridesmaid who has your back can make everything a little bit easier. However, for those of you with no close friends, you might want to consider hiring a professional bridesmaid for your happy occasion. One job that sounds pretty rough but offers a surprisingly good paycheck is being a pet food tester, and no you don’t need to have a tail in order to qualify. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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People You Would NEVER Recognize Today Try out ThePremium for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: In the entertainment business, maintaining your looks is an absolute must. Celebrities will do this by using something as simple as a Botox injection to complicated matters like a nose job, a facelift, eye lift, liposuction, injections, implants, and more. For example, reality star Heidi Montag got as many as ten plastic surgery procedures in one day and looked completely different from her original self. In an industry where the young rule the screen, aging celebrities feel the pressure to maintain their youth as long as possible. However, some celebs might try to cut corners and save money, which can result in a botched procedure and completely changing their looks. Yet, some celebrities might even just let time do its bidding, but it ends up working against them. Eventually, even with all the surgery, a celeb’s age will show and transform them into looking completely different! Father Time won’t let you skid by. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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They say you should love thy neighbor, the person who said that didn't have these ding dongs as neighbor. We have neighbors crashing into cars, pumpkin thieves, and of course the potty mouth neighbor that has nothing nice to say. So kick back, relax, and be grateful none of these people are your neighbor. Watch Next: 1. 2. SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Wednesday, 27 September 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Odd Moments Spotted & Caught On Camera Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: They are a common thing in our society; those cold stares looking off into the distance. Statues are a historical tradition that give us a glimpse into the past. They help us remember a past event, they honor an important figure, and they are clad with lots of symbolism. We look at them, take the moment in, maybe snap a picture, and then move on with our day. They are still, frozen...not expected to move. However, there seems to be an alarming trend of statues that are moving, and scientists can’t explain why. In a world where we depend on science to give us answers to the most complex mysteries of life, it can be unsettling when we hear the words, “I don’t know.” Remember the Doctor Who villains, the Weeping Angels? They freeze when you look at them, and they often have their eyes covered so they don’t bewitch themselves. Their faces are terrifying as well, and if you’re touched by a Weeping Angel, you’re sent into a different time period. One has to wonder, could Weeping Angels be real, and there are statues that are moving without us realizing? How creepy! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Embarrassing Sporting Moments You Need To See To Believe Checkout ThePremium: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Sometimes, you don’t have to wait until halftime to catch quite the show at a sporting event. Even professional athletes aren’t immune from the occasional wardrobe malfunction, and we’ll show you ten that can never be unseen. Ronda Rousey is used to fighting against her opponents in the ring, but we caught her engaged in a serious battle with her sports bra. You would think that if something was going to go wrong in wrestling it would happen during a match, but that’s not what happened to Brie Bella. During an interview, her top decided to flop at a very inopportune moment. And it’s not just women that suffer from an accidental overexposure. Devin Hester was just trying to catch a ball when another player employed a unique strategy to try to stop him: he pulled Hester’s pants down. Nobody was questioning fighter Alexis Davis’ moves, but some people questioned her choice in undergarments after one match. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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The Most Gruesome Fails Of The Week
Where there’s humans, there a shortage of brain cells.
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New video by JukinVideo on YouTube
DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! But if you do please record it and send it to us. Science is all around us, so this week we rounded up our Top 10 Science Experiment videos. Our hypothesis is that you will love them. We have a bunch of amateur scientist conducting experiments while having no clue what they are doing. We have fire, dry ice and a bunch of crazy results. So turn your bunsen burners off and enjoy these experiments. SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Tuesday, 26 September 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Checkout ThePremium: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: You might think that because it’s the cameraman’s job to stay focused on an athlete that of course they’re going to stare. Yet, sometimes things happen on the field or in the arena that really get everyone’s attention in a rather distracting way. Sure, there are the cheerleaders and the skimpy outfits tennis players wear. However, there are also an array of hilarious and embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions and cameraman fails that leave us wondering what on Earth is going on. Want to see exactly what we mean? Then check out these following examples and see for yourself why the cameramen got distracted from the rest of the action. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Unusual Parents You Won't Believe Are Actually Real Checkout ThePremium: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: There is nothing in the world like family. As the saying goes, you can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family. Most of us know that there is no family that’s absolutely perfect. Every family has its dysfunction and drama, and that’s all a part of what makes the love of a family so strong and unconditional. But there are some families out there that are so crazy and dysfunctional, they make the most insane soap operas and “Game of Thrones” seem like they’re rated G movies. How is that possible? Well, thanks to genetics and society, we’re all brought up differently and taught a certain way to live our lives. That can influence our friendships, relationships, and the choices we make. At the end of the day, there are some families that make our own crazy family seem a bit more normal, and it makes us embrace our own tribe all the more. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Squirrel Slapstick
Squirrel chooses the most hilarious way to defend his food.
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Monday, 25 September 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Try out ThePremium Network for free: Things The Secret Service Doesn't Want You To Know Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: President Trump is used to living a life of luxury with gold plated things and sparkly stuff. In fact, he might even see moving into the White House as a downgrade from his accommodations at Trump Tower in New York City. But there are special features of the White House that Trump Tower wouldn’t likely possess, and that mainly includes security protocol along with wide open spaces. Sure, tax dollars could be spent to give Trump Tower the same features, but the American people wouldn’t be a fan. Plus, the White House was constructed specifically for the president so he can eat, sleep, and work all in one place. Previous presidents have called the White House a prison of sorts since they don’t go outside on a regular basis unless they have business meetings or scheduled outings. Because the President’s safety is always a major concern, the President can’t really just do whatever he wants. Secret service has to be scheduled, rooms have to be booked, the whole shebang. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit: Checkout ThePremium:
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Surprising Things You Never Knew About North Korea Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: You might have heard about all of the strange things you will probably see in North Korea. The poverty, pictures of past and present leaders everywhere, but what about the everyday things you won’t be seeing when you visit? We will tell you about some of the things we consider mundane, that are either taboo, or harshly punished in North Korea. While people in South Korea are free to wear jeans or mini skirts, women in North Korea were only allowed to wear pants at all very recently. South Korea has some of the fastest internet in the world, but people in North Korea can barely get any signal for their cell phones, not to mention they’re absolutely not allowed to make any international calls. Drinking is a huge part of life in South Korea, but people in the north are only allowed alcohol under very specific circumstances, and indulging in an unauthorized cocktail can have huge penalties. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit: Checkout ThePremium:
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Some Of The Most Awesome Girls Alive
This video is dedicated to all the awesome girls out there!
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Sunday, 24 September 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Amazing Kids You've NEVER Seen Until Now Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: The last time you tuned in for this eerie list, you learnt about the many people who survived the wild. Well, this time round, we have something even more shocking in store for you - Kids that actually grew up in the wild. We’re talking raised by wolves and cared for by wild goats. Some claimed to be kidnapped, some were scarily left to the forces of nature - ALL OF THEM were subjected to a lot of attention that deeply scarred them, probably more than living as a feral child did. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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How To Eat A Huge Sandwich
The solution is actually very simple, but the food might not be as appealing anymore.
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10 Kids Who Live Secret Double Lives Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: When you’re a celebrity that’s associated with a family-friendly network, there is a certain image that you have to maintain. Even if you’re out with your friends or doing something as simple as having dinner with your family, you represent the network you’re appearing on. That means if you are pulling off shenanigans that get you on the front cover of the newspapers the next day, you might be in big trouble. Anytime a child star has been in trouble, one of the first places that the media will go to is the network the star appears on. Usually the response is either “No comment” or “We’re addressing the situation with the star.” Of course, it means that the child star is pretty much living life with multiple sets of parents with even more rules than the average kid. Sometimes fame and fortune isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. In this case, instead of being grounded, it could mean you might lose your job. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Saturday, 23 September 2017
VIDEO: Man giving his DOG a lesson in DRUNK DRIVING is the funniest ever

In the video the man, who in probability was drunk, can be seen trying to convince his dog not to drive while the latter can be sitting with a grim expression on the driver’s seat, visibly displeased. It’s no secret that people behave strangely when drunk. Most of us have embarrassing drunk tales th...
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12 Of the Hilarious Wikipedia Edits By Internet Trolls

It is getting more hard to find reliable content on the internet as of late. Still, Wikipedia is one of those few unique websites known for their objectivity, authenticity, and true resources. Nevertheless, internet trolls like to joke about this and sneak some entertaining points into Wiki edits. 1...
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12 People Who Made A Huge Mistake By Asking The Wrong Guy For Help

People enlist the help of Photoshop experts for a number of reasons, and usually expect to see the issues with their photos corrected in a clean, professional manner. The following folks, however, turned to James Fridman for their photo fix-ups, and got pretty much the polar opposite. James Fridman…
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20 Women’s Hair Problems That Men Will Not Understand

There is something so attractive about beautiful, healthy hair. Long locks and cute pixie cuts, natural curls and dreamy waves – there is something that fits perfectly for everyone. But beautiful hair also might mean problems. We want hair that we don’t have, but we’re afraid of changes and we spend...
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15 Hilarious Pics Of Kids At Weddings

Let’s be honest for a moment: weddings can get a little wearying. They seem to go on forever, during which time you’re forced to make conversation with relatives you’ve been avoiding for years and random drunk people who nobody seems to have invited. You yearn to sneak out the back door when nobody…
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10 Women You Won't Believe Actually EXIST! Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Thanks to a burst of gamma radiation we all know that scientist Bruce Banner developed an alter ego known as the Incredible Hulk. This massive green rage-monster is often used by us when we discuss real-life people who are huge and strong. Of course, this is more for the men which left us wondering – what about some female representation. Not a problem, as you’ll see, we’ve collected a group of women who are nothing short of real-life She-Hulks – just without the green skin. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit: Checkout ThePremium:
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A Jackie Chan Mashup
It’s Jackie Chan jumping over fences and stuff!
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The season is changing and we would like to welcome fall with our best videos of the week. In this installment of Best Of The Week we have a crazy ferris wheel rescue, a double fail on some crotch rockets, and a big surprise in a head of lettuce. So take a break from watching the leaves change and watch the best videos this week had to offer. Hope you enjoy. Watch Next: 1. 2. Original Links: Nailed it- Slip and dunk- You had one job- Skeptical idea- Submission I want it so bad- Submission Well trained pup- Hop away from death- Stacking high- How to exercise- Noo lil guy- puppy nutrition- Just keep falling- Instant karma- Wasting bubbly- Squad up- The next air bud- Sssalad- 2 fails 2 bikes- Skateboard spins- Ferris wheel- Submission Droned clipped- Baby wants out- Swarm of nah- Lose control- Submission Yuck to health- Heart of gold- Cool slip bro- Submission Frozen branding- Catpack- Flood blower- Take all my money- SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at Category Entertainment License Standard YouTube License SHOW LESS
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Surprising Things Companies Try TO Hide From People Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: When we think of the happiest place on Earth, we think of the magic that we experience as soon as we enter the gates into Disneyland. Walt Disney changed the world of theme parks when Disneyland opened in 1955, and the park has been thriving ever since. At Disneyland, dreams come true, people fall in love, proposals are made, kids get to meet their favorite characters, and it seems like the world is absolutely perfect. But, what a lot of people don’t realize is that there is a ton of work involved when it comes to making that magic a reality. Per Uncle Walt’s standards, there are things that park guests don’t see and don’t even notice because he wanted to preserve the magic. For example, there is security all over the park, but they wear regular clothes so you would never know that they’re there. Also, Disney pretty much owns the city of Anaheim, and they have crazy standards for people trying out to be a Disney princess. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit: Checkout ThePremium:
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Friday, 22 September 2017
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10 Plastic Surgeries That Went Too Far Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: When we think of plastic surgery, many of us assume that it’s mostly celebrities who are the ones going under the knife. However, a growing number of everyday people are having surgery in order to more closely resemble their favorite celebs. And we aren’t talking a slight resemblance here; we have found ten people who went way over the line to look more like someone else. We all know that President Donald Trump adores his daughter, Ivanka Trump, to a degree that some find unsettling. But Tiffany Taylor has gone through an astonishing 13 plastic surgeries in a single year just to look more like Ivanka. Victoria Wild has a business degree, but considers her plastic surgeries to look more like Katie Price, a winning investment. Thalia Almodovar is a trans woman who noticed that she began to resemble Kim Kardashian and decided to lean into the look, rather than adjust course. Herbert Chavez never grew out of wanting to be like his favorite superhero, and has gone through a lot in order to more closely resemble Superman. While Chavez pulls it off quite remarkably, many people claim that Jack Johnson’s quest to become more like David Beckham is a lost cause. Adam Daniel became obsessed with Madonna the first time he heard her album, and not only looks like the queen of pop, but has made a life out of impersonating her. Even our four-legged friends aren’t immune from this plastic surgery craze; we will show you a dog whose owners really wanted him to look more like Milo from The Mask. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit: Checkout ThePremium:
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Dog Paw Prints Make The Most Pawesome Tattoos Ever, And Here’s The Proof

If you are a dog owner you will understand, the bond between you and your pup is strong and deserves to be celebrated and immortalized as a permanent tribute to your precious pooch. Generic paw print tattoos have been on trend for some years now, but these tattoos are even more meaningful. Likeworld...
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21 Of The Best Parenting Hacks From Twitter...

Hey parents! How many times have you found yourself surrounded by infant-induced chaos and thought to yourself, there has got to be an easier way? Well today is your lucky day. We here at Likeworld have got your back, having scoured the internet for the very best, most useful and creative parenting…
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Warrior's Dream

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I Re-Imagined Disney Princess Hairdos

As someone who’s hair barely reaches their shoulders, I wanted to give some of my favorite Disney princesses cool Pinterest inspired hairstyles (you know, the ones that you wish you could wear yourself). I drew these using Paint tool SAI. Really hope you like them! Rapunzel Elsa Merida Moana
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21 Worst Tourist Photos Ever

Just when you thought some of your vacation pictures were bad, take a look at these! They’ll make you feel better. Don’t worry ladies, he just wanted a group hug! This is a look of pure fear!All these girls here think there’s like a great white behind them or something. Riding an elephant seems to …
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10 Amazing Siblings You've NEVER Seen Until Now Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Looking at a pair of conjoined twins, it can honestly be hard not to stare. Being forced to inhabit the same body as someone else seems terrifying, and for those of us who have siblings, the thought is even more horrifying. But you might be shocked to know that even those twins who could be separated often choose not to because they couldn’t imagine not living their lifestyles. We know you are all wondering how these twins manage to attend school, date, and use the bathroom, and fortunately for you, we have the answers! Ronnie and Donnie Galyon are the oldest, and longest living conjoined twins in the world, and they’re finally ready to reveal just what goes on when nature calls. Abby and Brittany Hensel have their licenses just like most other girls their age, but they actually had to take their driver’s test twice! Ganga and Jamuna Mondal are better known as the Spider Sisters because of their unique configuration and way of moving around. They claim that a surgical separation would not only end their way of life, but their livelihood as well. Tatiana and Krista Hogan are unique, even compared to other conjoined twins joined at the head. Because their nerves are so intertwined and their brains have merged with one another, they are able to see and feel what the other is experiencing. For example, tickling one girl will make both laugh, and closing Krista’s eyes means she can still see what Tatiana does. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit: Checkout ThePremium:
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I… Love… What?
This baby talks quite well already, but not really.
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Thursday, 21 September 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
Sneaky Things School Teens Get Away With Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Academics have changed a lot in just the last 50 years, and we find ourselves reminiscing on the good ol’ days. You’ll find that most people complain about the fact that schools aren’t actually teaching anything anymore. Instead, they are teaching students to pass a test. From placement tests to checking progress, it seems that the student’s life is all about getting a passing grade from a test that may not even measure intelligence in the first place! From the time a student gets to kindergarten, they have tests thrown in their faces. It’s like, if you don’t pass these tests, your future is doomed. As you navigate your way through high school, those tests become even more important as they can determine which college they get into...if they get into college at all. With so much pressure on a student, it’s no surprise that they will try desperate measures to pass. Most cheaters aren’t just trying to pass, they are trying to excel to secure their future. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit: Checkout ThePremium:
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Epic Blonde Fails That Will Put Other Blondes To Shame

God made humans, he made trees, air, water, and well you know the rest. But even God makes some mistakes every now and then. These mistakes are usually referred to as Blondes. And you clearly have no idea how far this can go! Have a look at these epic blonde fails yourself! Here are 20 […]
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The cleaner

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12 Surprising And Funny Signs From All Over The World

We usually use signs that notify us about something or warn us. But there are some signs that can leave us baffled or can leave us smiling.Here is a collection of unusual signs around the world. A Finger? I Don’t Think So…ouch! If you come across with something like this. You can try that at …
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Crazy moments 😂

Crazy moments 😆😆
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10 Times Kids Ruined Family Photos In the Funniest Way Possible

Getting your children to sit in family photographs is a work of art that most guardians never ace. Luckily for us, we get the opportunity to see their fizzled endeavors at endearing recollections in this display of photograph shoots absolutely and totally demolished by kids who simply needed to have...
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Jumping Is Hard
Dog’s jump calculations go terribly wrong.
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Wednesday, 20 September 2017
New video by TheRichest on YouTube
People You Don't Want To MESS With! Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Familial relationships can get complicated at times. When things get rough with your own clan, you may look to famous families throughout history, like the Kennedys, the Royal Family, or even the Kardashians. However, we have found ten families that you definitely do not want to have any part of, at least if you value your life. Whether they’re related by genetics or marriage, all of these families are forever bound together by blood. Roman Podkopaev, his wife, Inessa Tarverdiyeva and their two daughters looked like a standard middle class family, until their crime spree finally came to an end, earning them the nickname “Family of Monsters.” If you’re a fan of Ma Fratelli from The Goonies, we will tell you the true story of Ma Baker, the matriarch of the dangerous Barker-Karpis Gang who terrorized the streets during the Depression Era. Despite their viciousness, the Barker-Karpis Gang was a small fish compared to the Genovese Family, who is considered the largest of the big five criminal syndicates. The crime spree of the Briley Brothers only lasted about seven months, but these three brothers blazed a trail of horror that the citizens of Richmond, Virginia will never forget. You have probably heart of Charles Manson, but do you know about Dan and Ron Laherty? After being incarcerated for their horrible crimes, Dan’s power of influence continued even from behind bars. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit: Checkout ThePremium:
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10 People Who Will Make You Look TWICE! Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Most judges, especially for professional sporting or Olympic events, take their jobs incredibly seriously. They have seen all sorts of tricks, situations, and even attempts at cheating. But at the end of the day, they are just human, and they do sometimes find themselves distracted while they are on the clock. We will show you some images of athletes that had judges positively distracted, and we think that you will see why! With all of the contorting, twirling, and leaping, it’s not surprising that figure skaters suffer the occasional wardrobe malfunction. One figure skater popped clear out of her top, but managed to finish the competition anyways. Another had a different approach when it seemed as if some of her assets might be making a surprise appearance, she kept tugging on her dress to try to prevent it from happening. Venus Williams is such a famous tennis player that it seems like she gets away with a lot. Like the time she wore lingerie to the French open, and paired her outfit with some flesh colored panties which had everyone talking about the propriety of it all. Swimmers wear tight suits so that they can swim faster underwater and get that gold medal, but let’s just say that sometimes those suits manage to spring a leak. Some athletes claim that their overexposure was an accident, like the swimmer caught adjusting herself in a jacuzzi, or when a speed skater just wanted to cool down after a match by unzipping her outfit. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit: Checkout ThePremium:
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Cat Takes A Bath Like A Sir
The most zen cat you’ll ever see.
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This is what people get for unsubbing to their channel. Check out the Top 10 Scare Pranks brought to you by the terrifying flick Friend Request. Catch it in theaters September 22nd. Click here for tickets: SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Story of a giraffe that gets trapped during a...

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23 Badass Trees That Refuse To Die No Matter What

Trees have been around for about 370 million years, and as you can from these incredible pictures, there’s a good reason why they’ve survived for so long. Whether they’re growing in the middle of gale-force winds, on the tops of rocky platforms, inside concrete tunnels, or even growing out of each o...
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12 Child Stars Who Grew Up To Be Super Hotties

Many Hollywood movies have child actors who later have become stars. Many of the child stars, who looked cute and attractive then, have grown up to become even more attractive. These children who instantly became stars because of their attractive performance have been in Hollywood Industry since the...
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Awesome magnets

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These Hilarious Pictures Perfectly Describe What It’s Like To Live With Her

An artist based out of Tel Aviv named Yahuda DeVir made a comic collection demonstrating what life is like with his hot and absolutely lovable wifey Maya. Even she is killing the cockroaches or stealing the Blankets. Take a look you will relate on the off chance that you are as of now living with …
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