Thursday, 31 August 2017
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Celebs Who Looked WORSE After Plastic Surgery Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: It’s rare to find someone who is completely happy with their body. In fact, if people have the money, they might opt to get some sort of enhancement or plastic surgery to fix their flaws. Much of the reason why people will go under the knife is so that they can turn back the hands of time and look young again. With Botox injections and face lifts being some of the most popular procedures, aging is slowly becoming extinct, especially with the rich and famous. When you’re a celebrity, there are certain standards expected of you. Specifically, you want to maintain your youth as long as possible and play younger roles. There seems to be a period of limbo where a celeb might not get a lot of work for a long time after they reach a certain age. Then, they’re able to play elderly characters. But from middle age until you’re about to kick the bucket, there are seldom enough roles for these stars. So, to try to combat that age of limbo and potentially no work, they will get plastic surgery. Yet, just because the procedure is performed by a doctor, it doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Try out ThePremium Network for free: Kids Who Don't Know How To Act Their Age Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: When you are a kid, it is likely that you could not wait to grow up and be an adult. If you’re an adult now, it’s likely that you just wish you could go back to a time before you had to worry about bills and making your own doctor’s appointments. But some kids don’t have to wait until they grow up to take on the responsibilities and benefits of being an adult. We will show you ten kids who just don’t know how to act their age and appear to be wise beyond their years. Anastasia Bezrukova is a child model who has started to branch out into acting and dancing as well. Kristina Pimenova seems more focused on her modeling career, as she has recently signed up to work with an agency that adult models would do anything to get the attention of. But not all girls are focused on aesthetics. Some of them, like Evnika Saadvakass, are more focused on developing physical strength and speed. London Scout is less interested in modeling other people’s clothes, and is more interested in putting together her very own fashionable ensembles. Many of us were forced to begrudgingly take music lessons as kids, but few people are prodigies like Ryan Wang, who was invited to play at the famous Carnegie Hall when he was only five years old. Some adults try to put off marriage for as long as possible, but Sanele Masilela liked it so much that he did it twice before he was even ten years old! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Summer has been lit, some may say the Best Summer Ever! So as we begin to say goodbye to our favorite season, here are some of the top summer videos from the JukinVideo Vault. We got cliff jumpers, slip and sliders, and beer chuggers to remind us of all the fun in the sun we had. Leave your best summer memory in the comments. Enjoy! Watch Next: 1. 2. SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Ordinary School Teens Who Scored Dates With Famous Celebs Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to TheRichest! For copyright matters, please contact us at Being a teenager is a magical time. But not magical as in the Disney princess version magic. More like the “Lord of the Rings” version of magic. Basically, being a teenager is like being an ill-equipped hobbit sent on a life-threatening mission. One second everything is great; the world is wonderful. Then you wake up with pimples and the world becomes very cruel indeed. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Wednesday, 30 August 2017
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Child Stars Who Grew Too Fast Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: When you’re a child star, the world is in your hands and you likely find yourself getting consistent work. But in a world where there are thousands of kids trying to “make it”, you really have to secure your place by getting a gig with one of the biggest kid-friendly networks in the world; Nickelodeon. So, you’ve booked the gig with Nick, but what happens now? Well, child stars will usually just enjoy the moment. However, Nickelodeon doesn’t keep child stars around for too long. Why? They grow up and get too mature for their roles. Think about Miranda Cosgrove. She started out as the adorable little sister in “Drake & Josh” and then enjoyed a nice, long stint on “iCarly.’ Yet eventually, she grew up and became too old to continue with the role. It happens...a lot. This is the stage where child stars will usually disappear into obscurity or find a role that’s more appropriate to their age. While it may sound like we’re talking about an elderly actor, we’re talking about child stars who hit their late teens! In this video, you’re going to meet 10 Nickelodeon stars who got too mature for their roles. In other words, they grew up out of the “child star” category and found themselves out of work. When this happens, some of these child stars may venture into other areas of the entertainment industry, like music. Others might keep trying with the acting gig and hope that they will grow out of their type casting. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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10 Famous People Caught Being Jerks In Real Life Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: We all have our moments where we don’t exactly handle tough situations with the utmost grace and civility. However, when celebs dedicate so much time, money, and effort into crafting a perfect public persona, it can be shocking when stories of them behaving badly surface. Sure, some celebs have been arrested for huge things, but we are talking about more benign, everyday instances of just being plain old jerks. It could be sniping at a fellow star on social media, like anti-bullying advocate Demi Lovato, or reacting to a tense situation by hurling insults and faking a pregnancy like Reese Witherspoon. At an award show where she was to be honored, Emma Watson couldn’t seem to care less as she showed up far more than fashionably late, snubbed the red carpet, and ditched the afterparty entirely. Of course, many of these stars will claim that their actions were taken out of context, which was Ariana Grande’s excuse for her combination donut licking spree and anti-American tirade. It turns out, she’s just really passionate about healthy food, so don’t worry! In addition to her beauty, Angelina Jolie is also known for her humanitarian efforts, but it turns out she isn’t always so kind to her own family members. Former employees allege she has a very different persona at home than the one we see in public. Sometimes celebrities try to pull rank to get special treatment, but Liam Payne learned the hard way that doesn’t work everywhere. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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These people may have lots of time, but you don't so we have gone through all our clips to find you the best time lapse clips JukinVideo has to offer. We have pilots taking off, tarantulas shedding, and a guy who took a picture everyday for a year. So sit back, relax, and watch time fly by in these time lapses. SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Disney Urban Legends You WISHED Weren't True! Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: There have been a variety of strange rumors about Disney over the years, and sometimes it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. Some things, like Walt Disney’s cryogenically frozen body being held beneath the park, sound really cool but just don’t hold up to scrutiny. However, we have inspected the facts and come up with 10 Disney urban legends that are actually true. After paying for your tickets, food, and novelty Mickey Mouse ears, you might be out of cash, but did you know there is a secret Disney club that is as expensive as it is exclusive? We will tell you how much you will have to spend to join the elite Club 33 - if membership opens up of course. If you have ever been creeped out by the skeletons on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, you can take comfort in the fact that there are far less actual human remains on the ride than there were a few years ago. Well, unless someone has decided to recently dump the ashes of their loved one on the ride, which apparently some people think is a good idea. You may have heard that some feral cats enjoy making Disney their home, but there are far more lurking behind the scenes than you can imagine, and fear of public backlash is what is keeping them alive and well. After all, Disney seems to have learned its lesson about targeting the little guy when they threatened lawsuits against three Florida-based daycare centers. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Top 10 Most Expensive Cars in the world 2017

The most expensive cars offer so much more than just transportation. They are trophies owned by the 1% of the world. Some models are created for one person alone and only have one buyer of the name plate. We occasionally come across such mind boggling machines in the media too. In Fast and Furious 7...
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Psychological movies should be watched with caution as they affect your mind

Psychological movies should be watched with caution as they affect your mind. You suffer when you watch them but somehow in a weird sense, it makes you feel happy. Here are 10 different in their own way psychological thrillers which will blow your mind off but will give you some painful pleasure wor...
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The Funniest Entries From 2017’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

Wildlife photographers spend countless hours attempting to capture the perfect moment when animals showcase their grace, strength, and beauty. It is irrelevant just how hot, cold, or even dangerous the elements are if you can seize that split second of photography magic. Not every image captured by…
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People Who Learned The Hard Way Never To Order A Prom Dress Online

There are a lot of pros and cons to shopping online. Although it is more convenient and usually a much wider selection, you’re not able to try the garment on or see how it looks in person until you actually receive it a few days later (sometimes even weeks). What’s worse than receiving clothes that…
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The Key to My Heart

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10 People Caught In Paranormal Activity Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: For centuries, mankind has been trying to find proof of the afterlife. Some of the greatest intellects in the world believed in the survival of consciousness like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who wrote the “Sherlock Holmes” books, Charles Dickens, and others. During the Victorian period, there was an obsession with contacting ghosts through mediums and seances. Who knows how legit these seances were, but it certainly cemented the fact that we wanted to know for sure that we survive long after we’re gone. But even if there have been hoaxers and fakers throughout time, we are still obsessed with finding proof of ghosts. Paranormal reality television has gone through its ups and downs throughout the past decade. But even celebrities like Rob Lowe are getting their own shows trying to find proof of the paranormal. You don’t have to be a star to encounter a ghost. It seems that spirits don’t care who you are, if they want to communicate with you, they’ll find a way! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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SECRETS Of AMISH Families EXPOSED! Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: They tend to keep to themselves, so most of us don’t know much about the Amish. We know that they wear out-of-date clothing, and drive horses and buggies - but that’s about it. Today we are going to let you in on some hidden secrets that Amish families would prefer to keep to themselves. You may have heard about the tradition known as rumspringa, since it’s generally portrayed in pop culture as a form of Amish spring break. However, the reality is far less tantalizing than you might think, and occasionally involves some drunken buggy driving. Different Amish settlements follow different sets of rules, which are called Ordnung. Some of the rules are universal, while others vary and control everything from what you wear to whether or not the settlement has a vehicle. Amish children do have their own schools, but they only go up to the eighth grade, meaning that all of their teachers only have an eighth grade education themselves. Courtship tends to be a quick affair in Amish culture. One day an Amish boy gives a girl a buggy ride home, and the next thing you know her parents are bundling them up to for bed, literally. Having your parents tuck you in when you’re no longer a child is awkward, but having them also tuck in your boyfriend and then place a board between the two of you is something else! You might be surprised to learn that not all Amish completely shun technology on principle, and they come up with some rather ingenious ways to get power while staying off the grid. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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I Just Like To Read
Look at me being intellectual and all.
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The Eclipse In 23 Seconds
Want to see the eclipse but don’t have time? We got you.
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Famous People Who Let Themselves Go Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Child stars have seemed to reach a certain level of immortality. In the eyes of Hollywood, they are forever the age where they became famous. But the entertainment industry can often be pretty cruel to the aging child star. As the kid grows up in front of the camera, they have to play their cards just right so they can stay relevant and continue to get work regardless of how old they are. However, what usually happens is that the child star ages out of their role as well as their demand. Then, they are stuck trying to prove to the world how grown up they are by shedding their innocent and wholesome looks. This is why we often see child stars like Miley Cyrus go to the extreme opposite of their image in order to prove a point. But then there are other child stars like Freddie Highmore who has managed to stay relevant and maintain his demand because of his look and acting talent. Yet, not every child star will maintain their looks as they grow up. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Monday, 28 August 2017
I Imagined How Popular Characters Would Use Their Powers In Sports

I always imagine what those popular characters can do with their abilities if they are living in our real life. They can find a very good Part Time Job with their abilities, I think they can be very good in sports too. #1 Sporty Spider Man – Soccer #2 Sporty Thor – Croquet #3 Sporty …
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Two Husbands Tried Labor Pain Simulators To...

It’s difficult for men to know just how painful it is for a woman to give birth, which is probably why some men like to pretend that it isn’t such a big deal and that women are simply exaggerating the pain. But when two husbands volunteered to have themselves hooked up to a couple of …
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Dragon boy

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Funny Dogs Meeting Cute Baby Animals Compilation

Check out these funny dog videos of dogs meeting cute baby animals for the first time. Also check out dogs meeting cute kittens and other very cute baby animal videos on the channel. Like if you like cute puppies than check out cute puppy videos compilation. Baby animals are the cutest and dogs are…
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Top 10 of the richest people who turned into barbie dolls

Beloved 90’s band Aqua once sang “life in plastic, it’s fantastic.” Not ones to doubt the true life message of Aqua, we at TheHub decided to investigate ten people who spend tons of money on plastic surgery. Calling someone a cartoon character might not seem very nice, but for Pixee Fox, it’s quite…
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Child Celebs You Won't Recognize Today Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Hollywood has a lot of demands when it comes to up and coming stars. Considering that a good portion of the business is focused on looks, you have a lot of child celebrities who are not only trying to meet the demands of the business, but they’re also trying to keep up with their studies. Also, it seems that once a child star reaches a certain age, they’re expected to act a certain way and maintain an image in order to represent the company appropriately. And yet, it seems that once a girl hits the age of 12, she gets tons of makeup thrown on her, a new wardrobe, and she’s expected to look and act like an adult. But if you’re a child actor trying to make it in the business, then you know that the key is to look as young as possible. The older you are and the younger you look, there’s a better chance of booking that major gig. Hollywood is so peculiar sometimes. What is even stranger is how some of our favorite child stars can look like babies one moment, and then get transformed into mini adults. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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The Sun Is Just Another Lightbulb
How many construction workers does it take to replace a lightbulb?
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Try out ThePremium Network for free: Top 10 craziest ways mom and dads taught their children a lesson Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Parenting isn’t the easiest job in the world, and it takes an overwhelming amount of patience and money to raise a kid right. As we’ve learned throughout time, there is a right way and a wrong way to teach kids a lesson. You don’t want the kids to grow up to be mentally unstable and wreak havoc on society. But you also don’t want the kids to do whatever they want and not learn that there are consequences to their actions. What’s a parent to do? The corporal way of teaching kids a lesson is seen as a major no-no and often looked down upon. Free range kids are often judged by other parents and not everyone appreciates a kid that lives on the wild side. What if there was a happy medium in between that got the message across with little psychological effects as possible? There just might be a way, if you have an open mind to unconventional lesson teaching. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Microsoft Paint Is Essential Software For Every Artist
And this is why – how cool is this!?
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SECRETS Movie Theatres Try To Hide From You Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: There just isn’t anything quite like enjoying a movie at the theater. Sure you can get a massive TV and surround system at home but that experience just isn’t the same. Many of us have great memories of heading to the movies as kids. Today, we continue that story by heading out with friends or enjoying a date night. Yet, employees tell us that at many theaters there are stories and happenings that management likes to keep under wraps. Some of these rumors you’ve heard while others might be new. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Sunday, 27 August 2017
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Bizarre Things RICH People In North Korea Like To Do Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: It seems like there is an enormous gap between the average American and the wealthy 1%. In North Korea, a country known for its poverty, lack of food, and obscenely strict rules, that contrast is even more stark. We have told you about how difficult life is for the vast majority of people in North Korea, but today we are going to take a look at how the wealthy live in North Korea, and let you know what luxury items they can afford. Kim Jong-un may claim to hate America, but US currency is a huge deal in North Korea. It’s seen as a status symbol, and stores catering to the elite accept it as their sole form of payment. Plastic surgery is technically illegal in North Korea, but it’s a rule that is hardly ever enforced since women are expected to look as beautiful as possible. Most people are forced to pay about $3US for in-home procedures done by people without sufficient training and in unhygienic conditions. If you want plastic surgery done right, it’s going to cost you. Besides flashing a fat wad of American cash, you can also alert people about your superior status by wearing a luxury imported watch. It both shows that you have money and connections to the world outside of North Korea. You might feel like computers and cellphones can get pretty expensive, but even if you can get through all the red tape they can easily cost over a year’s salary in North Korea. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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The Girl & the Cloud

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AMAZING Kids You've NEVER Seen Until Now Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Most of us have been raised to believe that we’re special, unique, and that there is no one else like us. We’re one in a million in a sea of people who look and act just like us. But thanks to our parents, friends, and family, we believe that we’re individuals. Every parent wants to think that their kid is special and unique from the rest of the world. Of course, every person is unique, but it takes something special to make them stand out from billions of people. But, not every kid gets to have a normal childhood and live an average life. Sometimes, Mother Nature has something different up her sleeve for some really special kids and puts a wrench into the system. Not only are these kids unique and such, but their families are as well. It can be difficult to adjust and make sense with a different life for these families. However, these kids end up becoming inspirations all their own. For example, Angus Palmes is 13 years old, but is trapped in a toddler’s body. Ramses Sanguino is just a little kid but knows more about the world than most adults thanks to his genius mind. In this video, you’re going to meet 10 real kids who are one in a million. From being born with a unique condition or possessing some sort of incredible ability, these kids certainly stand out while swimming in a sea of average people. Because they are so unique, they are often getting media coverage, and the world is amazed once they learn the story of these amazing kids. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Give Me Attention!
Please, just look at me please!
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In Your Face!
The most vulnerable part of the human body maybe… Ouch!
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People Who Got Real Life Superpowers Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: For many of us, superheroes play an important role in our childhood, as well as when we’re adults. From comic books to the big screen, they entertain us, inspire us and can help to get those creative juices flowing when we’re looking for a push. Now, we’ve looked at people with superpowers in previous videos. This time around, we’re going to show you 10 individuals who gained powers after enduring some sort of accident or other event. We’ll start off with Franco Magnani who could suddenly remember the past with such stunning clarity that his artwork was a near-perfect representation of locations from Italy. Derek Amato could suddenly play the piano and compose music after suffering a concussion – despite the fact he had never touched a keyboard in his life. While still in the womb, Kimberly Gordon was given a serious jolt when her mom was struck by lightning. Even after being born, the result of this incident is pretty obvious. On his way home Nikolai Kryaglyachenko received a nasty shock from a live wire. Incredibly, as a result, metal objects can stick to his body. When Rory Curtis awoke from a coma following a car crash, he could speak French fluently, along with one other bonus ‘power.’ After receiving a brutal beating outside a bar, Jason Padgett suddenly developed amazing abilities when it came to art and math. Edwin Robinson was blind and partially deaf – until lightning struck. After this he seemingly developed the ability to rejuvenate his eyes and ears to near-full working order. Surgeon Tony Cicoria also suffered a lightning strike which led to an out of body experience – and, of course, a superpower. When he was hit in the head at a baseball game, Orlando Serrell didn’t think anything of it. Then he realized he was able to remember pretty much everything about every day in his past with crystal clarity. Finally, when Adam Rainer was born with dwarfism people thought that was that. Then a small tumor changed everything in a big, big way! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Saturday, 26 August 2017
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People Who Tried Anything To Join Elite Clubs Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Life is all about success and failure. Unfortunately, to really enjoy the happiness success brings we usually have to taste more than a little defeat. This is true for the celebrity world as well. While these following people are all famous and rich today, even they couldn’t always get what they wanted all the time. One area they all failed in? Getting accepting into exclusive groups, clubs and teams. Despite not really doing anything to warrant it, Kim Kardashian is a world famous celeb. Yet even Kim can’t get into the exclusive Soho House in LA. When several NFL stars tried to get into London’s famous Cirque Le Soir club, they were stopped short of the goal line despite being famous and wealthy. Jake Paul is a former Disney star who is now best-known for the social media group known as Team 10. Yet, even other high-profile Youtube sensations find that getting into Team 10 is no Mickey Mouse chore. Kobe Bryant is considered one of the greatest basketball players in NBA history. Yet, like the Kardashians, Bryant found his fame and fortune meant nothing when it came to getting into LA’s Soho House. Mark Zuckerberg is known for Facebook and his story was told in the movie The Social Network. This social media master is rumored to have tried his best and failed at getting into Harvard’s renowned Porcellian Club. Fans of world football know who Thierry Henry is. Yet even great soccer players have trouble getting into elite clubs as Henry discovered in his short time at Juventus. What’s better than celebrating an NBA championship with the team in the locker room? Justin Bieber and Drake can’t really say because they weren’t allowed into one very big celebration. Anyone who follows racing knows that Lewis Hamilton is a giant of motorsports. Yet, this status did nothing to get him entry to a rather exclusive area at Wimbledon. Stephen Colbert has had a couple very popular shows and is one of the most recognizable comedians today. Yet, when it came to getting onto the exclusive Saturday Night Live cast, things didn’t go well at all. Finally, we’ll take a look at the very exclusive Berlin nightclub known as Berghain. Getting in isn’t easy as Paris Hilton, Conan OBrien and Britney Spears apparently found out. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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I’m The Boss Around Here
Hi, sorry, but uhhh, you’re in my bag. WHAM.
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Another week, another comp. We got some crazy videos in this week, everything from a giant car swing to a guy trying a snowboard trick that only works in video games. Let us know what you think in the comments. Hope y'all enjoy. Original Links: Splash Zone: SUBMISSION Right of way: Flexible land: Pee-culiar stance: Weak ankles: Pescatarian Snake: Piano Pup: SUBMISSION Cat Sitting: It's a Boy: Let's dance: Pay your bills: Husky Hammock: Bearly friendly: Moose outa the way: Four-mation: Cat-astrophe: Isquish: New car taste: Not quite: Cirque de fail: Human Rabbit: Hot dog hilarity: SUBMISSION Indenpendent Dog: sk8r girl: Juanita is a bae: playground pushover: seal ya later: Do you lift bro: DIY Swing: In-home Invasion: Fear no clearance: SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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Kids Raised By Wild Animals Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: The kids aren’t alright. Well, maybe yours are but these following 10 kids definitely found themselves living a life that wasn’t normal by any stretch of the imagination. Yes, these kids ended up living a feral life, at least for a little while, before they found their way back into society. Their stories are so crazy at times that you may actually doubt they ever existed at all. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Shocked 😆😆

Shocked 😆😆
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Adam the robot

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Wildlife Crossing

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10 Funniest Facebook Photoshop Fail

Health Alert: Photoshop causes Anorexia (take a look at that skinny arm). He’s like “Hey, your background is different from mine”. Now don’t go and try meeting this guy thinking he is a new millionaire. Worst abs EVER! Nice try. Don’t worry, no one will ever notice it! Fail. He almost made it, ALMOS...
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Whoever Said That Posing With The...

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of Italy’s most iconic landmarks, and also one of the strangest sights in the world due to its unique tilt. Millions of tourists flock to see the torre each year, and their number-one goal is to use the power of forced perspective to take some seriously funny photos....
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This Eclipse Coverage Was Amazing!
You don’t see this level enthusiasm everyday…
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Photos Dee Devlin & Conor McGregor Don't Want The Public To See Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: There is no denying that Conor McGregor is a talented MMA fighter, but he tends to be a polarizing figure outside of the octagon. Some of his fans love his bold, brash, confident attitude, while others feel that he is all trash talk without enough skill to back it up. Regardless of what outsiders think, McGregor is beloved by his girlfriend and mother of his child, Dee Devlin. But no matter how much we love our partners, they do embarrass us from time to time, and Devlin’s embarrassment caused by McGregor tends to be pretty public. We will show you 15 shocking photos that Dee Devlin would rather you not see. Some of them are ones she probably would have been happy to never see, like the one taken while she was pregnant with their son that features McGregor getting a little too friendly with a dancer. He also has a risque photo with a rather Jennifer Lopez, taken when he crashed her birthday party. If a messy photo of McGregor chowing down on some ribs is any indication of his table manners, we hope that baby Conor Jr. doesn’t follow in his father’s footsteps. We also have a few photos of McGregor maybe having a bit too good of a time with an unidentified woman that definitely wasn’t his girlfriend. McGregor is capable of putting together great outfits, but sometimes he just misses the mark to very embarrassing results. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Friday, 25 August 2017
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Famous People Who Now Work Regular Jobs Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: It’s all too easy to idolize the lifestyles of the wealthy and famous. We never imagine that they could hold the same sorts of jobs that us regular people do when we would give almost anything to achieve their levels of stardom. But the limelight doesn’t hold lasting appeal to some celebs who are all too eager to slip back into a more laid back lifestyle. Meanwhile, others manage to continue performing while also making money performing much more menial tasks. You may have hated Jack Gleeson when you saw him portraying King Joffrey Baratheon on Game of Thrones, but after taking a sabbatical from acting to pursue academia he’s settled on a less intense life. Noah Hathaway performed most of his own stunts in the movie The Neverending Story when he was just a child, and that daredevil attitude has helped him in his post film star careers. If you’re wondering what Tom Selleck, the man behind the mustache, is up to these days, it seems that he’s taken up growing a fruit that even he isn’t very fond of. For those of us whose worst nightmare was being stuck in an elevator with the musical group, Hanson, we can take heart that at least now their music comes with a cold beer. Brewing beverages seems to be a common celebrity pursuit, since Dylan Sprouse has opened up his own meadery where he acts as the brewmaster. We were all concerned about the mental state of Amanda Bynes for a while, but it seems that she is back on track and designing exciting new clothes as she works to launch a new fashion line. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Accepting Student Loans
It’s a bond for life!
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Dog Throws Tantrum When He Doesn’t Get His Gravy
However entitled you think you are to your gravy, you probably don’t throw a tantrum like this.
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10 Sketchy Things People Don't Know About Jake Paul's Team 10 Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: Jake Paul has been making quite a splash on YouTube and other ventures in social media these days. He has played a version of himself on Disney’s “Bizaardvark” before parting ways with the company under mysterious circumstances. Ever since Jake created Team 10, there has been an onslaught of controversy. Team 10 almost seems like a bad reality show for YouTube, but the company acts like an agency for rising YouTube stars. They expect their people to pay Jake 20% of their earnings on social media, and they have to adhere to a strict set of rules in order to stay in the Hollywood mansion they all reside in. Unsurprisingly, some people have left Team 10 under strange circumstances that makes us believe that there was some drama in the works. Also, Jake has expressed that he’ll do whatever he can to get views, which makes us wonder what’s actually real and what’s fiction. Being a part of Team 10 also means that you live together, eat together, and pretty much do everything together. How much is too much? Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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The Flowers are blooming

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The 28 Most Hilarious Parenting Tweets Of The Year So Far

Mixing parents and Twitter is a dangerously hilarious combination that we have already established previously. We showed you the most hilarious mom tweets, dad tweets, we even showed you the best celebrity parent tweets. This time, we’ve got something just as good in store for you. We here at Likewo...
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10 Most Unusual Fashion Models

When it comes to the world of fashion models, they are the epitome of the perfect body. Their looks are flawless and they are everything that we all want to be in terms of appearances. For decades, women have put their bodies through the ringer, all for the sake of emulating the people that they …
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The elephant painter
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This 50-Year-Old Singaporean Photographer Stunned The...

Meet Chuando Tan, the Singaporean photographer who will make you wonder just what the hell you’re doing wrong in life. Because believe it or not, Tan is actually 50 years old. Yes. That’s right. Five zero. And he seems to be getting younger every day. His friends call him CD and he’s been catching e...
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Thursday, 24 August 2017
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FAKEST Homeless People Who Got Caught Red Handed Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to TheRichest! For copyright matters, please contact us at Beggars are a sad reality of life. And we can’t lie, we all feel sad when we see a beggar. A ton of empathy pours through us, and we can’t help but open our hearts - and our wallets. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Homes BURGLARS Can't BREAK INTO Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to TheRichest! For copyright matters, please contact us at When it comes to the word “security,” most of us think of homeland security, job security, money security and the ultimate… home security. But we’re not talking about security in which you get the privilege of putting a $2 yardstick with the abbreviation “ADT” printed on it, like it somehow convinces burglars to watch out. Surprisingly enough, people are now preparing for the end times, the apocalypse, that may or may not include the dead walking around and eating live flesh for breakfast. But don’t worry! There are houses and secure locations that are built or being built solely for the purpose of saving mankind. If you’re one of the few who think it’s better to be safe than sorry or to just always be prepared,, you’ll have a huge appreciation for these houses because whoever lives in them will be the lucky ones no doubt. Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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Those Long Legs
They are so convenient!
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Good things come to those who wait, so we have compile the best "wait for it" clips our vault has to offer. The suspense will build and the payoff is hilarious. We got nature face plants, underwater surprises, and whole bunch of sheep. Hope everyone enjoys. Watch Next: 1. 2. SUBSCRIBE for awesome videos every day!: Submit your video here: LIKE us on FACEBOOK: FOLLOW us on TWITTER: Short vids on INSTAGRAM: Shorter vids on VINE: JukinVideo is the leading viral video community channel dedicated to showcasing the hottest UGC videos from across the web. We love videos and find the best ones to share with you here, from fail videos to ice bucket challenges, and soccer tricks to a baby reacting to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. The JukinVideo team scours the web 24/7 to find the latest trends and hottest videos. Subscribe to see them first! To license any of the videos shown on JukinVideo, visit Jukin Media at
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10 Times People Got Very LUCKY! Try out ThePremium Network for free: Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: What would you do if you won the lottery when it comes to food? All of those epic finds and hidden treasures in food all give us hope for a better tomorrow. We can all agree that most of us like food. The kind of people who “eat to live” and don’t care about do you even deal? Anyway, there are little rare moments that happen that make us believe that a deity exists and they are smiling down on us. Ever order a pizza and found the pizza maker found favor in you and added extras of all your favorite toppings? That’s called a food lottery. It’s when you find that extra cookie in the package, or an extra bag of chips falls out of the vending machine. It’s all pure luck, but food lottery moments happen from time to time. The more you learn about these moments, may you be filled with hope that the moment will eventually happen to you! To prove how obsessed society is over food, you can easily go viral if you find something like an oversized potato chip or an extra grape inside another grape! Our Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: For more videos and articles visit:
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The Vlogging Cat
As entertaining as human vloggers are annoying.
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Couple Shares Why They Can’t Leave...

Queensland, Australia resident Lauren Ansell was cooking dinner with her boyfriend the other night when an unexpected visitor turned their quiet evening into a night of terror. It was a huntsman spider, a horrifying dinner plate-sized beast, and he wasn’t in the mood for any funny business. Though n...
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Crazy prank
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This Guy’s Reaction To Childbirth Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Like the 2017 Birth Photo Competition showed, moms go through incredible struggles to bring new life into this world. They need their partners in the delivery rooms, to hold their hand, calm them down, but sometimes their partners are the ones who are freaking out. Spanish viral content page, Karma,...
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10 Most Dangerous Waters in the World

The world is 70 percent water, so it’s probably a good thing that the stuff is good for us. We can drink it, swim in it, grow food with it, and just plain live because of it. However, certain bodies of water are shockingly mean to us. Interacting with some lakes and rivers can hurt …
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